Chapter 7- Finding out the Truth

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The feeling got much worse because instead of forgetting what had just happened and thinking that I hallucinated, I could see him sitting in the front row next to someone. I couldn't see who it was, but it was definitely a woman. Again the feeling of jealousy came up in my stomach and I kinda was angry too. Dear God, calm down, I told myself. But it shouldn't work out so I just ran back to my seat next to Suzie. She had a bagful of popcorn in her hands and stared at the screen. When I arrived she turned around and asked: 'Why has it taken so much time?'

'Uhm, you know, female stuff.', I lied but Suz laughed and said:' Oh ok, sry haha.'

I quickly sat down because the film had already started since a minute and people were staring at me angrily because I had blocked their view. I didn't really concentrate on the movie and just saw half of it because I thought about the situation. I mean why was Rob here? Well, we both loved this movie..., I remembered myself. Ich sighed and asked myself why he was here with another woman? Actually it wasn't my business, but I had to know who she was. So I decided to follow them, when they would go. That sounded so crazy and stupid to me but...

After Suz had given some popcorn to me, I tried to concentrate on the movie and it reminded me of all the movie nights with Rob. They had been so beautiful. I sighed again and suddenly I realized that the woman and Rob had left, because they weren't sitting at their seats anymore. What, they  wouldn't have left to...make out on the toilet, would they?! Oh my God! I had to look for them, I just wanted to know what was going on. I mean I had the right to know if we, Rob and me, still had a chance or not. So I told Suzie, I had to manage some female stuff again and walked out of the theatre. I was nervous when I ran down the corridor because I didn't want it to be real. When I entered the female toilets, I heard someone laughing behind the toilet door. I got angry and asked: 'Hello? Is there someone?' No answer.

I asked again and then a female voice said: 'Huh, uhm yes' and walked out of the toilet. She had a phone in her hand and looked at me confusedly.

'Oh I'm sorry, I thought I've seen my friend entering the toilet so I thought you were her.', I Iied easily.

The woman laughed: 'Oh, no problem!'

I smiled and when she saw that I was looking at her cell phone she said: 'I've talked to my agency. I'm Maggy, i'm an assistent from Dior.' She shook my hand.

'I'm Kristen.', I said back.

She laughed: ' Oh honey, I know excactly who you are. It's incredible to meet you here! And I've heard a lot about you.'

'Thank you, Maggy.'

'Well, I gotta do my work. It was nice meeting you. Have a beautiful stay in Cannes.', she said and I now realized that she was much older than me.

She had almost grey short hair and I guessed she was about 54. But she was the woman Rob had talked to and suddenly everything made sense. She was from Dior and wanted to talk to him about his Dior campaign. And she was absolutely not his new girlfriend. Now I felt really stupid and said bye to the old lady and she just smiled and then walked out of the restroom. My behavior had been so childish and stupid. I decided to go back to the theatre and when I went through the door, Rob was standing in front of me.

His perfect eyes looked into mine for a second, before he started to talk: 'Kristen? I didn't expect you to be here. It has been so long since we saw each other.'

I didn't knew what to say, the situation was just too overwhelming.

'Hey, I..uhm same.', I then spluttered.

'I've missed seeing your beautiful face, Kris.', he complimented me with his quiet but turning on voice.

'I've missed you too, Rob.'

'I'm...I'm so sorry about everything that has happened. You didn't deserve that. I just needed time to think about all and concentrate on my career but..'

'But what?', I asked him.

'I want you back, Kristen.', he got clear.

And these words resounded in my head again and again and again. I want you back, Kristen.

So I answered...

I won't give up on us - A Robsten FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now