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It was months ago since I saw him the last time. And they've been the longest and most painful months in my life. I missed him. So so much. But that's how it was. I lived a life that you couldn't even call a life. The days passed slowly like they wanted to remember me how long it would be until I'd see him again. I spent time with Suzie and CJ and also a little with Alannah and Alicia. But it just helped for some time. Then when I went home I realized that although I have my friends I was alone. I got ready for bed and brush my teeth. Alone. Not with him. Then I laid in bed and read my eBooks. Alone. Not cuddled into his arms. And finally when I fell asleep I wasn't next to my love how it should be. I was next to a big bin full of used handkerchiefs that were filled with tears of sadness. And when I woke up the same thing started again. But it became a little better the last weeks because I usually spent my days on set of American Ultra. Jesse really cheared me up. He's a good friend and always knows what to say so that I feel better. I feel that he sees how sad I really am. He knows me. And he knows that I try my best to look happy in public but it's hard. Even harder because of those papz who always and always try to follow me. I'm seriously just tired of them. Even when I met him last time because of Bear and Bernie they followed us. I just wanted to be alone with him. Talking about how it would be going on. And I really hoped to be able to talk to him soon. At this special event where two of his movies would premiere and also mine, Sils Maria. And I couldn't wait and even counted the days down until it was finally May. Then I knew this month I'd see him at Cannes.

I won't give up on us - A Robsten FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now