Chapter 2- A very nice Evening

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I walked in the house and Cole, Bear and Bernie greeted me when they jumped around me. I loved them. Not at last because I got them with Rob. Just Cole, my little soldier, I got from an animal shelter after I had shot Camp X-Ray. She was all my pride because she kinda represented my role as Amy Cole in the movie. That's why I called her like that. But I loved Bear and Bernie just as much as Cole. I shared a lot of memories with them. They all had something to do with..him. So when I came into the kitchen I looked after their food. No food. Actually I had told CJ to feed them and go for a walk with them because I would come later, but now I'd do it myself. And I was happy about that because in the past few weeks I just haven't had the time to play with them or just to go out with my lovelies. I quickly ran up the stairs into my bedroom and took on my 'Nuns with Guns Hoodie' because when I looked out of the window, I saw it would get darker and colder outside.

'C'mon guys, we'll go for a walk!', I said and the dogs immediately barked happily. I put on the three leashes and went out. I took the little garden door to get on the street, so that nobody would see me. Then I ran down the street with Bernie, and Bear and Cole tried to catch us. We have always done this little game together when we've been on our family walk- trips with the dogs.

Cole was fast. She ran and ran and at the end of the street near the little park she got me and I fell down into the grass. I laughed very loud and realized that I have missed these happy moments. Cole licked my face to show me that she had won. I stroked through her soft black fur and suddenly she laid down next to me in the park at 8 o' clock in the evening. It felt good. To have someone by my side, that really cared about me. Bear and Bernie also came running towards us and joined us cuddling in the grass. I haven't had spent so much time with my dogs since I've met Rob. I guess they missed him too. But now this moment was perfect and I wanted to keep it as long as possible. Sometimes I thought that Bear, Bernie and Cole didn't even behave like pets. They had such human feelings. Now I knew that they truly missed him. Just like me. I didn't really know for how long I had been laying in the grass with my dogs, but anytime later I decided to go home and watch a movie with them on my couch. And so this evening became one of the most perfect ones I had spent for a very long time.

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