"So, did you text him?" Phoebe asked her typing something on her computer.

"I – I kind of forgot," Valentina said remembering she had been busy last night.

"What made you forget?"

"Phoebe I need to tell you something –," she began but stopped when the dark-skinned boy from before walked up to the table.

They looked up at him as he smiled down at the booth slowly looking them over. Finally, his eyes landed on Valentina and she looked at him confused.

"My friend tells me you didn't text him back last night, got to say that's not cool," he said gesturing a finger at the guy from the Café Nook, who looked at his friend annoyed as he walked over.

Valentina didn't know how to respond to that and Phoebe seeing her friend stutter spoke up for her.

"Don't you know you're supposed to wait at least three days for a girl to reply?"

"I wasn't aware there was a rule now a day," the guy said confused.

"I'm not surprised. You probably don't remember the last time you got someone's number either" Phoebe quipped.

Valentina was concerned her friend would've made him mad, but he only smiled amused. He had a very nice smile Valentina noted. The guy from the shop finally walked over putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I'm sorry about him, I didn't mean to bother you," he said looking at the girls, but more on Valentina.

"You're not bothering us," she said quickly.

Phoebe watched the exchange amused, and finished the rest of Valentina's latte. Valentina was going to make her buy her a new one.

"It's good seeing you again, are you alright?" he asked her, and Valentina recalled her wrist from the other night.

Her skin was too dark to see a bruise, but it only felt slightly tender there anyways.

"What does he mean are you alright?" Phoebe asked concerned and looking pointedly at Valentina.

"Hey – why don't you and I walk over here and give them some space?" the friend asked Phoebe.

Phoebe didn't budge shrugging him off and still looking at Valentina. Valentina didn't want to explain right now in front of these guys, so she pleaded with her friend.

"I'll tell you later, buy me another latte please?"

Phoebe clearly didn't like it but finally, she huffed rising from her seat and went with his friend to get the latte. Or more like his friend followed her. Now that Valentina was alone with the guy he took Phoebe's vacated seat for the moment perched on the edge.

"You didn't tell your friend about that guy?" he asked her curiously.

"Uh no not yet, but I'm fine. Barely bruised thanks for asking"

"Did he come back, and bother you when you left work?"

Valentina thought about how to reply. Technically he had, but that wasn't the full story. As if she could tell this guy that part of the story though. He'd look at her like she was crazy, and she wasn't trying to scare him off or anything.

"Sorry I didn't text you, I don't even know your name, but you know mine," she said looking down at the table.

"That's fine, I didn't necessarily expect you to, despite what Jaden said. My names Mason" he said and Valentina looked up to see that small smile at the corner of his lips.

"I didn't think I'd see you here. You go to the University of Maine?" she asked. She's never seen him around on campus before.

"Yeah, I'm a sophomore and you did say you wanted to see me again"

Valentina shook her head quickly, "I – I didn't say that"

"But you didn't deny it either" he retorted, and she was speechless to that reply.

She was never good with banter, but he was right. It didn't hurt seeing him again, plus they go to the same school together, that was nice to know.

"Whatever happened last night, I hope you feel like you can tell someone," Mason said suddenly serious making her look at him confused.

She had been looking at Phoebe in line arms crossed, while Jaden talked to her. While she may look annoyed, Valentina knew by the scrunch of her nose she was trying not to laugh at whatever Jaden was telling her.

"I never said anything happened last night either"

"But you're not denying it"

"Look I barely even know you, and you're cute and all but – "

"You think I'm cute?" Mason said grinning, and damn if Valentina didn't admit it made him look better.

She looked down realizing she had admitted it out loud when she didn't mean to say that part. That was something she couldn't take back. Although seeing his grin kind of made it worth it.

"Not everyone will believe you, but just know I would," he said looking her in the eyes then over her.

She didn't know how to respond to that and turning she saw a woman staring back in their direction, or more like at Mason. He frowned when he saw her, and Valentina saw the woman disappear around a corner.

Was that his girlfriend? Did she care?

"I have to go," Mason said looking back at Valentina still frowning.

Confused Valentina only nodded her head as he got up from the seat, right as Phoebe and Jaden came back their way.

"It was nice seeing you again Valentina," he said giving her a smile, but it was weak.

"Bye Mason," she said as he said something to Jaden, who also frowned and they both left.

Phoebe reclaimed her seat, putting the latte on the table after having taken another sip of it.

"Talk about anything interesting?" she asked her as she opened a bag and pulled out a croissant.

She offered Valentina a piece who took it and shrugged.

"Not really" she mumbled around the croissant. She saw Mason and Jaden head the same way the woman had disappeared.

Maybe he did have a girlfriend. It'd make sense if he did. Phoebe made a sound of agreement but putting down the latte in her hand finally, she fixed Valentina with a glare.

"You still owe me an explanation," she said.

Valentina started telling her about last night not liking the way Mason's words rang in her mind. She already had those doubts herself after all.

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