She walked close to her brother and entered the inn with the rest of the gang. "Hi there folks! I'm Big Ben. What can I do for you?" Big Ben asked as Fred explained that Shaggy got them lost by having the map upside down and Big Ben had no problem getting them rooms.

Since the town was deserted, because of the Miner 49er, they got their rooms quickly but not before meeting Big Ben's assistant Hank. Hank showed the gang to their rooms, and he explained the how the Miner would come out of the mines and scare the guests away.

Sammi shivered and noticed how Hank looked at her like he wanted to say something. He then told the gang how he was leaving the town in the morning and Sammi couldn't help but feel sorry for the town.

Fred devised a plan to look around the town to see if they find anything. The town was empty and so old the buildings were falling apart. "I've seen enough, let's go back!" Shaggy said in the van as the drove around the street.

Sammi couldn't help but nod at her brother. "You know  I agree with my brother on this one! I think we should go back" Sammi said with desperation in her voice. All she wanted to do was go sleep and get the heck out of Gold City(the town name).

"Not yet! Not until we find anything!" Fred had said looking back at Sammi for a moment, worried about her. "Oh, I know what we'll find. Ghosts!" Shaggy said before Fred stopped the van and the gang got out.

They walked for a bit and as they walked by one building, Sammi swore she saw the Miner looking at her as lighting flashed before he disappeared. Sammi squeaked before grabbing a hold of the nearest arm and walking on. Fred happened to be the arm Sammi grabbed onto.

"I want to go home. I want my mommy" Sammi mumbled over and over until she felt someone put a hand on her shoulder. Velma had put a hand on Sammi's shoulder and she gave her a weird look before Sammi let go of Fred's arm and walked beside Velma.

Fred opened the doors to a old western saloon and Shaggy marveled over it. He even pretended to order a drink and Scooby joined in. The two glasses came over to them and all it was filled with was spider webs.

The piano them started to randomly play and Shaggy, Scooby, and Sammi started to freak out. Velma just told them it was automatic and Shaggy and them got off the curtains as they had climbed up them. The four looked around for a bit before meeting Fred and Daphne in front of the old abandoned hotel.

Daphne and Fred had no much luck either but Sammi assumed it was because they were to busy looking at each other. They then decided to look in the hotel since it was the last place left and Shaggy volunteered Scooby to look inside. They had found one thing in the hotel, a new map with a combination to the safe in the lobby of the hotel.

Shaggy had tried to open the safe but all he had to do was turn the nob. The safe had a secret elevator in it and it lead them to the mines. Shaggy had found dynamite, and thinking it was a candle, had lite them up. Sammi quickly threw the dynamite away and looked at her brother after the explosion.

The gang got to a part of the tunnel where the mine was lite up with lanterns and they then heard a moan that sounded like the Miner. It was the same moan from earlier and Sammi jumped into her brothers skinny arms. When she saw who was holding her she quickly jumped out and but her lip.

"Never mention this to anyone?" She asked and Shaggy nodded, clearly embarrassed with what just happened. "That sounded like what Hank was talking to us about earlier" Velma said and Fred nodded.

"Alright! Let's split up. Daphne, Velma, and I will go this way. And Shag, You, Scooby, and Sammi will go through that tunnel" Fred said pointing in the directions they were going.

It wasn't long after they split up before Shaggy and Scooby started clowning around. Sammi just hugged her arms and kept walking. She felt uneasy and couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching her.

"Hey guys! I think I see-" Sammi said before she looked behind to see she had lost her brother and his dog. Sammi gulped and kept walking ahead towards the light she saw. She didn't get far before she stopped as she sensed someone behind her.

"Shaggy I hope that's you" Sammi said before she heard a grunt and someone grabbed her from behind. She fought against the arms but was then hit in the head. She woke up to some voices and started to panic as she was tied up.

"Yes I have her. She'll be ready, along with the product, first thing in the morning" the voice said before it walked away from wherever she was. She heard a crash come from above her head and then a cracking sound. Before she knew it, Daphne was down there with her.

"Sammi? Are you okay?" She asked before she untied her and Sammi got up. Daphne and Sammi escaped the room before the miner got there and after that the mystery went by like a breeze. Sammi then knew why Hank had looked at her. He wanted to sell her for the highest bidding. Shaggy couldn't help but be protective of her after that.

Sammi didn't know what to expect from Brady but all Brady did was give her a hug and let her shed a few tears. "You can't tell anyone! Not even Fred knows that I was almost sold. Please don't tell anyone" Sammi said and Brady nodded not letting her go for a minute.

They finally headed back and once they got back to where Sammi's brother and his dog where they couldn't help but stop. "Hey! Did you guys find... anything?" Fred said pausing as he walked in from above.

In front of them was all the monsters that they faced. Shaggy and Scooby created the last of the monsters and now they had to reverse it. Sammi couldn't help but look at the 49er as it smirked at her. 'This is going to be a long night' Sammi thought as the monsters surrounded Shaggy and Scooby.
Hey guys! So it has been a while and I feel bad for making you guys wait so long. I made sure this chapter was a bit longer since you had the wait. Also you guys know how I added in the Miner 49er episode in there (had to watch the episode while writing this), I was actually not at first planing on putting it in there but I wanted to show that Sammi can be afraid as much as her brother. (That and it gave Brady and Sammi a chance to bond).

So we are getting closer to getting to the end. I can't believe how far this book has gotten. Anyways, hope you enjoyed!!!!😍😝

Scooby Doo and Sammi 2: Monsters Unleashed (Fred x Oc) Where stories live. Discover now