Chapter 1. Astrid Meets Hiccup's Mother

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Chapter 1. Astrid Meets Hiccup's Mother

Astrid was feeding Stormfly and Toothless becouse well Hiccup is busy ever since he became Chief

Astrid did miss having him around a lot she knows that its his job now to take care of everyone but she just misses having him around her, after she got done feeding both of them she walks down to the beach side to think, no one was around everyone was busying doing whatever they where doing she was left there alone, then Toothless and Stormfly walks up to her and toothless and stormfly stood next to her on both sides she wasn't really alone, Astrid knows that Toothless and Stormfly are just trying to cheer she up. She smiles at both of them

"do both of you wanna go out for a flight?" Astrid asks both of them

Toothless jumped around and stormfly looks at her like yes we do

"Ok ok ok lets go get toothless sattle and we can go out flying" She says walks back to get toothless's sattle

When they go there she saw Hiccup's Mother

"Hello there" Valka says to her

"Hello" She picks up toothless's sattle

"Who must you be?" Valka asks

Astrid Puts on Toothless's sattle

"I'm Astrid Hofferson" Astrid says to her

"I'm Vlka you must have known that by know" she says

"Yes Your Hiccup's mother" Astrid says to her

"and Your the girl that stole my son's heart hm?" Valka says to Astrid

Astrid blushed thinking about that

"Yes you can say that " she says while smiling

"well i can tell my son is lucky to have you" Valka says

Astrid nods her head

"What is your story?" Valka asks

"What do you mean by story?" Astrid asked

"Your story of you met Hiccup and fell for each other" Valka says

"Oh well thats a very long story" Astrid says

"Well I have nothing else to do" Valka says

"I was going to take Toothless and my dragon Stormfly out for a flight" She says

"don't worry dear i think both of them want to hear the story too" Valka says

Astrid turns around and see's Stormfly and Toothless sitting waiting for her to tell the story Astrid laughed.

"Ok well it begins like this..." Astrid says.

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