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The Run-In

Mark's life truly began thirty minutes after his encounter with the man on the sidewalk. He had told himself not to go on the rural side of the town, in fact he had warned himself not to. But of course, he hadn't listened, and now he had been thrown several feet by what he could only describe as the landing of the biggest shooting star he'd ever seen. As he came out of his stupor, he let that sink in a moment, a shooting star in broad daylight? His eyes filtered up as the dust that had hit him in a wave started to clear. For a moment, he could see the large form of what seemed to be an asteroid, but before the dust had even cleared the form of the asteroid had started to shift... And transform.

Aw crap...

Crawling back, he took in the form of the giant, winged purple Transformer with the narrowed red optics which stood just feet from him. The robot reared its head back, scanning around slightly. The sad thing was, as Mark noted, if his optics hadn't beed red, the universal sign of the "Decepticons" as far as most humans knew, it might have been an awesome moment. Scrambling back, he watched as the transformer continued to scan around before finally rearing its head to focus on him. "A native." It rumbled quietly, its voice somewhat gravely in nature.

"H-Hi." Mark waved slightly, finally managing to pull himself to his feet "I'm sorry to have disturbed you. I was just looking for a tree with fruit or y'know... Something to eat." The Transformer stared down at him quizzically before beginning a slow walk "My name's Mark..." Mark spoke as casually as he could "What's yours?"

"You're scared." The words seemed to rumble as the large Transformer spoke "Why would you fear me, flesh creature? I haven't even made a move to harm you yet." The clearly male robot noted "C'mere, let me get a closer look at ye, I've never seen an organic up close before." He noted, a chuckle erupting from him "I promise not to crush you."

Before Mark could let out more than a startled cry, the back of his shirt was pinched and the large robot had lifted him. The boy tried to close his eyes as he caught sight of the massive drop, trying to think about anything but this. "Very interesting." The mech spoke, looking him over slightly "Yet, disgusting." Mark's eyes flew open and narrowed at the mech as he said that "But the question is what to do now that you've seen me? Lord Megatron would say to crush you like an insect..." He noted "Yet you are a fascinating creature."

"Better yet, why don't you put the youngling down Cyclonus?"

Mark turned at the sound of the new, friendlier voice that spoke up. Taking in the form of the tall, somewhat burly transformer that approached the Decepticon, who he now guessed was "Cyclonus". "Ah, Hound, figures you'd be on this planet." Cyclonus sneered as the mech removed a large gun from his back "Always here to protect the little ones, aren't you?"

"Ye hurt, kid?" Hound shouted, and though petrified, Mark managed to shake his head "Good, you sit tight now. I'll have you out of this situation in no time." He noted.

Mark couldn't believe the certainty in the mech's voice. After a moment, Cyclonus stared down at him, his head tilted somewhat to the side. Mark definitely didn't like this feeling, being caught between two Transformers about to get into a fight. Would he get crushed? He trembled slightly, trying to stare away from the red optics. "C'mon, Cyclonus." Hound noted "It's just a boy, why don't you pick on someone your own size. I'll give you about half a second to put him down before I empty a good five hundred rounds into you."

"No, I think I'll keep him."

The sound of gunfire shocked Mark for a moment before he was thrown through the air and crashed into the ground. He groaned quietly as the large mech that had come to his aide rushed to his side. "Run." Hound told him calmly "Get somewhere safe, and hide yourself." He noted, turning around and removing yet another gun, turning on Cyclonus "Now like, I said..." He noted as Cyclonus started to lift himself off the ground "Pick on someone your own size." He shouted.

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