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Rafaela failed.

She was bawling her eyes out with Jimin's arm wrapped around her comfortably, rubbing her arm to minimize her cries. He was trying not to cry, also, so he distracted himself by watching something more interesting, like the book on the shelf or the ornaments on the coffee table. They both watched the film a few times, but it hit them every time, especially Rafaela.

Jimin removed his arm off Rafaela to reach the remote on the coffee table to stop the movie, which was starting to roll their end credits. He looked back at the sniffling girl beside him and chuckled.

"How many times have we watched this movie and how many times have I cried like this?" Rafaela said, lightly chuckling, while she dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief.

"I haven't taken note of that, but maybe we've watched The Click in an unhealthy amount of times," Jimin replied, finding another movie for them to watch. "It's a bit weird, you know, that it's originally a comedy movie, but the last part really hit me hard."

"Oh, stop it, don't remind me or else I'm going to cry again," Rafaela threatened and pushed herself back in her seat, snuggling closer to the boy beside her. "Let's settle with something scary to help me forget the movie."

"Way ahead of you, Raffy," Jimin said and clicked the play button. The haunting music started to play, echoing around the large, but empty house. Just as the opening scene arrived, Jimin's phone rang, interrupting the two from the movie. He pulled his phone out his black jeans and answered the call.

"Hello?" Jimin said, offering an apologetic smile at Rafaela, who was frowning that their movie marathon was being erupted. Jimin mouthed that the caller was Taehyung and Rafaela frowned, having a gut feeling that their movie marathon was going to be cut. "I'm kind of busy right now. I'm with Rafaela."

Rafaela tried to listen the faint voice on the other side of the phone, while watching the movie unfold, but failed, due to the loud music erupted from the movie.

"Oh, shit, I forgot," Jimin cursed, looking at his wristwatch. "Alright, I'll come pick you up."

Rafaela curiously looked at the person beside her with her eyebrows scrunched. Jimin uttered out a goodbye to the person on the other line and shoved his phone back in his pocket.

He frowned and Rafaela, and then she knew. "You need to leave me here because you forgot to pick Taehyung up from his work," Rafaela said, assuming with the bits and pieces of words that he had said, and patted his shoulder. "Go on! Don't let the boy wait up, Park Jimin. I'll be fine in here. I'll be staying here, don't worry about me."

"Are you sure?" Jimin asked, unsure if he could just leave her friend here. He didn't know if his friend was really serious or not, knowing Rafaela was a bit sarcastic in some ways.

"Yes," Rafaela reassured, watching his friend stand up.

"I'll be back in fifteen to twenty minutes," Jimin promised, grabbing the jacket that hanged on the couch. "Don't do anything stupid."

"I won't," she replied and Jimin immediately rushed outside, shutting the door behind him. She heard the faint roar of the engine driving away from the house, and then she could only hear the sound coming out of the movie.

Rafaela's gaze flicked back to the movie playing on the screen, but the mood immediately left her. She shut the television off and stood up, wanting to explore the house. She walked around, visiting the places that she knew. All the main parts of the house were familiar to her, except she didn't knew the things that were beyond the doors. But of course, she wouldn't want to trespass their private rooms, so her feet brought her to a familiar white door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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