Picture Story

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We had to make a story based on a picture. This is the random picture I used from google images and the story I made with it.

"Any news on the missing families?"

"No. There's nothing to go on."

"You might find something if you were to look at it more closely."

My partner keeps heckling me into actually putting effort into my work, even though it never works. My partner wears a shiny New York police badge, a tie, and a pressed officer's uniform. He's always taken his job way too seriously. Course that's also why he's solved the most cases. I wear the same attire, without the polish.

"Sometimes there's nothing to find," I reply. "When you fill out a crossword, you can't add MORE words."

He grunts and sits at his desk, which is, unfortunately, across from me.

"Well maybe you can find something on this." A fellow cop tosses a picture onto our desk. "It seems we found him sooner then he was planning and left some evidence."

My partner grabs it immediately and analyses it with intensity. "Does this mean he got another family?" he asks.

"Unfortunately, yes. But we're catching up, and we have a lead. Look at the back." My partner turns it over and finds what looks like and essay squeezed into the back."Your job is to find out what it means." He then walked away.

"Can I see?" I ask.

"You gonna find anything?" He replied, skeptical.

"I won't know until I try," I retorted

"That's what I meant." He handed it to me reluctantly. I begin reading the mess of words on the back. It tells a story about a family, each held back by their poor eyesight in some way, like bullying or in expenses. They come back and find happiness in each other, a family all with the same source of problems:glasses

"The story seems to be about the people on the front," I observed, looking at the picture.

"Great, our cereal killer is a writer," he complained with a sign. "Can you figure out anything else?"

"Well, the writing is similar to a successful writer I know."

"What?! Who is it? And how can you tell?"

I pull out 1000 words: vol.26 "I'm a fan of his. All of his books have exactly 1000 words in it, and each book tells a story that is unique." My partner took the book in his hands. "That's the most recent volume."

"And there have been 26 disappearances," He whispered, putting the pieces together. "By Christopher Arcinture..." He ran to the commissioner and told him my idea. He entertained the idea, and allowed us access to his files. We found a career in psychology, writing, and photography. We also found, in a brief investigation, that the disappearances happened soon after a photography appointment, and before a new book was released. The Commissioner let us bring him in for questioning.


If there's something I can compliment my partner on, it's his amazing skill at playing "bad cop". "I have all the reason to arrest and execute you myself, but if you DON'T tell us all we need to know, I can promise you something FAR WORSE."

"Hey, take it easy pal," I consoled him, "Why don't you let out your anger on someone we know deserves it." He grunted, and gave me a never-before-seen scowl, and walked off.

But before he left, the author called to him. "Why so serious? You need to smile more. I know everyone looks better with a smile on their face. You should take solace in knowing your family is safe." His strange words, too calm for any average man in this situation caused my friend to turn around and say.

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