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Nadia 'A'ala Anoa'i

"Guess whose home!" A deep voice yells through my arpartment.

"This is my house!" I yell putting the bookmark in my current book, Looking For Alaska by John Green.

"No it's not yours, you just live here." He laughs pulling my small frame into a hug, I have to go on my top toes to just get my arms around his neck.

"I'm always here and you're not so..." I drag out the 'o' making my point as he picks me up and twirls me around. "anyway how has work been treating ya?" I ask really concerned, wow, that's a first. He looks at me strangely before putting a bagel in the toaster and taking a light beer out of the fridge, "Hey, No,No,No, Get your own beer."I hop over the bar and jump on his back trying to take the beer from him, having no such luck. With his muscle build it's almost impossible.

"As long as you live under this roof, it's both of ours." He smirks taking a big long chug and exclaiming refreshed at the end. "and i'm not sure how everything is going because after it all happened he has this whole different persona to everyone, but I have something to ask you so how about you put some..."He looks down at my attire. "decent clothes and then we'll go out for like early bird breakfast or something." He walks down the hallway with a massive burp and blows it in my face. I look at the clock and the time is 4:27 A.M, I didn't know I had waited up that long but it's a great read, all of John Green's books are amazing. I look down at my own clothes, wooly crew socks, grey long john's and a Glamour Kills hoodie, I took out the extensions because I thought I was going to fall asleep so my hair only falls to my shoulders.

"Just give me like twenty minutes, I've gotta put my hair in, a bit of makeup and put something decent on." I mock the last part in his deep voice and close my bedroom door but it's stopped by a tattoed arm, "what do you want?" I sigh letting him come in.

"You don't need to take twenty minutes to get ready just put some pants and shoes amd let's go." With that he closes my door leaving me to be alone in my studio room. I just grab a pair of sweats from my laundry hamper and take off the socks and put my uggs on, looking at the scruffy state of them reminds me that I need new ones. I shrug as I take the hair tie from my wrist and put my hair in a messy ponytail. "I'm ready, lets go." I say grabbing a jacket, I'm not sure if it's his or mine but considering the size I think it's his. "Of coarse it's snowing out side." I sigh grabbing my house keys and making him lock the door. "So where are we going to eat?" I ask pressing the elevator button with the big M on it.

"I was thinking the cheap one on the other side of town." He says with the most serious face ever, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I don't know. What do you feel like?" He laughs and I was about to pumch him before he asked me.

"Just for that I think we should go to the one that takes the longest to get our food." I tease, "Denny's?" I say, he is about to speak but I cut him off. "you asked me, no but's about it ." I wave my finger at him sternly, all he does is take my hand and helps me out to the truck so I don't slip on ice.




"Oh my god, that was good." I stretch back in my chair like a cat. "Why do you even eat meat, it's terrible what they do to those animals." I ask, taking a sip of my perrier.

"I could ask you why you don't eat meat but, I already know." I don't know how he could be having beer this early.

"I know every time I ask you it's always the same thing, I'm a man, I need it." I mock his voice acting all burly. "anyway, how long are you home for this time?" I ask looking out the window at the purple sky.

"For the rest of the week," He says, gulping down the rest of the beer and slamming it down on the scruffy wooden table. "while we're talking abou this I have some news of which I'm not sure how you'll take so you have to promise me you won't freak out." He slowly says collecting both of our plates and utensils, he knows what hapeens when I'm angry, I tend to throw things and not be able to control my anger but what can I say, it's cute. Note the sarcasm.

"What did you do?" I ask putting my hand over his with the most intimidating look in my eyes and they meet. "Leati. Joseph Anoa'i, I swear to God,"

"Okay, okay, okay." His shoulders tense and he rubs his hands over his face down to his beard."let me just move these first." He takes the plates and puts them on his side. "well there is no easy way to put this but I kind of have something to te--"

"Spit it out!" I shout demandingly, it's a good thing that it's early and there is no one around in this resturant.

"OkayI'mgettingmarriedandmovingout." He says quickly and I sit there in shock.

"W-what, what was that?" I ask folding my ear toward him.

"I'm getting married." He takes a deep breath and waits for me to respond.

"You said something else, something about YOU MOVING OUT!" I slam my fists to the table and look at him with bulging eyes. "You're moving out and getting married? Is there anything else you need to tell me? Is she pregnant?" I shout standing up from my chair, all he does is look down at his fingers, "she is, isn't she? What the hell you didn't care to tell me you were even seeing anyone, you didn;t care to mention that your moving out! News flash joe, I have no where to go! Mom and Dad hate me along with the rest of the stupid people I don't dare call family! So you think , oh, Wow, congradulations Joe, you just earned jackass of the year award!" I clap my hands unimpressed, I'm about three seconds away from slapping him, so I back away.

"But I didn't tell you because I knew you would react this way! You always do, I have put up with you ever since you dropped out of school sixteen years ago, I'm done. I though tyou would be proud of me because your always nagging about how I need to get a girl in my life and now that I have one your mad?! What the hell?!!"

I grit my teeth together while glaring at him, tears, angry tears are stinging my eyes. I know just the thing that will piss him off, Ambrose. He can't stand the fact that Ambrose and I have had a thing for the past three years.

"Hey when you want to apologize for yelling at me, come find me in Vegas with Ambrose." I turn away leaving him alone at the table. I pull my phone out and dial his number.

"Wuddo you want?" He jokes.

"Can I come visit for a while?" I ask biting my nails.

"You gotta stop doing that, biting your nails is a terrible habit ya know." He jokes through the ohone. "Yes, you can. Lucky for you I'm still in town waiting for the next flight out, I'll make sure to get you one, be ready when I get to your house." I roll my head back in laughter and talk.

"Okay, will do. Just hurry up."

"Oh and Nadia, onemore thing?" He says

"Hmm?" I ask puttin my free hand in my pocket.

"Why do you want to come over?"

"I just miss you, that's all." I lie.


So that's chapter one, tell me what you think!

Next chapter should be up by later tonight.

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(Tell me what you think and I will give you dedication in the next chapter <3)

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