WARNING: Do not read if you didn't see TF4 yet

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Her transformation buzzes & whirrs like the start of a high-pitched buzzsaw. An arachnid’s screech rings alongside the clattering and reassembling of metals. The sleek sides--of the violet, Ferrari Spider convertible--divide into 8 double jointed legs—spider legs—sprouting out her back. She scampers between the pipes of the factory. Flakes of snow ineffectively pelt her durable steel physique. 

                A peering glance of light points in her direction. She crawls up along the walls. A night watch guard patrols the area obliviously. Her black & gold metallic face looks directly down at him with a menacing seduction, while he glances his head around aimlessly.

The guard continues ahead muttering in Russian, and she scales further up. Tips of her sharp spider legs spring from each wall until she climbs to the top.

A malevolent, cybernetic release of whispers and moans grind out her throat of excitement. A large enough gap in its roof is enough for her to fold her spider legs around her sleek figure, and spiral down inside the partially desolate factory.

                Machine after machine operating endlessly. Sparks fly in a frenzy with each assembled object welded to another object.  

The object she was assigned to, cars. The birthing grounds of the soon-to-be sleekest, newest vehicles on the market.

It seems another Human precaution against the Transformers taken was reinforced metal in vehicles. The closest Humanity can now get to the inaccessible Transformium.

Blackarachnia steps one high-heeled mechanical foot at a time to the most precious vehicle she now feasts her 4 sets of violet eyes on--each set gradually shrinks in size, ending at her forehead and are divided by miniature, animated spider legs bent upwards like ferocious eyebrows. A hand on her hip, the other clawed hand scraping lightly against a railing and then stopping… her entire body stops. 

She stands with a malevolent appreciation for the luxury, futuristic Mercedes-Benz supercar. Beneath a glorious, exemplifying light it rotates slowly on a slanted Lazy Susan turntable.

                She lifts her venomous fingers, opening panels like skin pores in her palm. Microbes of Insecticons skitter out curiously. She blows gently, coasting them into flight.

They scatter into a robotic pestilence in all directions, spreading the virus of Galvatron to each vehicle.

She of course stands calmly, and confidently as they swarm around. A devious grin weaves across her face like a web. The insect queen to them all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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