"I can stall for a day Ashley, but even I have higher powers to answer to. We're closer than we've ever been on this case Ash. Your girlfriend is wrapped up in all this somehow. We've gotta..."

"I'll get the info we need Ave, if she knows something I'll get it from her. I promise."

Ashley sighed and rubbed her forehead. She put her phone in her pocket and climbed out of her car. The walk up to her loft was a stressful one. She has a million thoughts running through her mind and all of them end in question marks.

Ashley unlocked her door and made her way inside. Spencer and Kyla were both asleep on the couch with the TV's idle noise in the background. Ashley smiled at the sight. The two most important women in her life.

Spencer was curled up on the end of the couch and Kyla was laying her head on her lap. Ashley turned and walked into the closet, placing her service weapon and badge into the safe. She walked back into the living room, she grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned it off.

"Spencer," she whispered as she leaned down to the blonde and shook her gently. Spencer stirred but didn't wake up. "Spencer, babe." Ashley tried again. This time Spencer grunted and blinked her eyes open. A smile appeared at her lips when she saw Ashley.

"Hi." Spencer grumbled sleepily as she stretched slightly, the task a bit difficult with the smaller brunette on her. "What time is it?"

"Time for bed, come." Ashley held out her hand for Spencer to take.

"What about Kyla?" Spencer pointed to the brunette.

"I'll come back out for her once you're in bed."

Spencer nodded and moved Klya's head gently to lay it down on the couch so she could stand up. Ashley helped her to her feet and they laced their hands and walked into the bedroom. "Rough night?" Spencer angled her head to look at the brunette.

Ashley shook her head. "Let's not talk about the case tonight. I have a proposition for you. I'll be right back, let me go put my sister into bed. Here, get under the covers." Ashley said as she pulled the covers up Spencer's body. She hurriedly made her way back into the living room, she lifted her sister from the couch with ease and carried her into the spare bed room adjacent the kitchen. She smiled as she kissed her sister on the forehead and shut off the side lamp then exited the room.

"Kyla was really bummed about the canceled date with Avery." Spencer mumbled softly as Ashley entered the bedroom and started to undress.

"Was she now?" Ashley smiled as the blonde nodded cutely.

"I'm sure he'll make it up to her, things are really hectic right now."

"What is this proposition?" Spencer asked as Ashley climbed into bed, not bothering to open her eyes.

Ashley pulled the blonde closer to her, so the blonde's head was resting on her chest.

"I wanna take you out tomorrow. A day with just us. I feel like I've been so wrapped up in this case that you and I haven't really spent much time together."

Spencer opened one eye and glanced up at Ashley with a smile. "I would love that." Ashley leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on the blonde's lips.

"Go back to sleep." She commanded the blonde who pouted and leaned in for another kiss. Ashley couldn't help but smile at the blonde's cuteness. "Sleep." She ordered again as she reached over to turn off her bedside lamp.


"Good morning." Spencer smiled down at the brunette who blinked rapidly to adjust to the morning light.

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