Chapter 1:Nightmare

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I woke up catching my breath as sweat begins to form on my forehead. I sit up straight as I put a hand on my chest trying to calm myself down.

I look outside and found out it was still dark. I turned on my lamp. I winced as the light hit my eye. After adjusting to the brightness, I look up at my alarm clock, which is just beside my lamp. I found it was only 3:30 in the morning.

I sighed as I pulled my legs closer and wrap my arms around it. I lay my head on my knees as I stares blankly into space.

I dream about it again. As always, that nightmare always feel so real. Its a memory about my past. It was 5 years ago, when that happen. I couldnt really remember why ive gotten into the woods but I remember exactly feeling scared and helpless as I was running away from that beast.

When I woke up, I was at the hospital, and Aunt Lily, my guardian and only family, was there crying as she thank the heavens I was fine.

They said a lumber man saw me lying on the ground, unconcious and brought me to the hospital. When the police came and ask what happened, I told them everything I remembered but they just look at me in disbelief and said that I may have hit my dead too hard.

At first I insisted upom my story, but then Aunt Lily convinced me otherwise. I gave up after a week and we just left it as it was since there was nobody around to testify and I couldnt remember what happen before.

I move on from that awful experience and started a new life. But, there are still those times, like today where I would just woke up and find myself grasping for air, because of that nightmare.

After a while, I stood up and fix my bed. I know after that dream I couldnt sleep anymore, so I went to the bathroom afterwards and let the cold water run through my body. I shivered but didnt mind the coldness it brought me.

After cleansing, I went to my wardrobe and grab a pair of denim jeans and a maroon hoodie. I finish it off by wearing my converse. I look at myself in the mirror and after I put my black hair in a bun, I grab my bag and head down stairs.

I quickly turned on the lights in the kitchen and made some breakfast for me and Aunt Lil, whos still sleeping, since she work last night. Shes a call center agent, and we know how that works.

I was setting up tha table after making some pancakes and toasted bread when Aunt Lily went to the kitchen.

Her eyes were still sleepy and tired. She was in her Pajamas and her brown hair was sticking out everywhere. "Hey, Kiddo." She said greeting me while yawning.

"Hey, Aunt Lil." I said as I poured her a cup of coffee. "Breakfast is ready." I announce.

She sitted herself at the table before saying "I know. You woke up early today. Did you... had a bad dream again?"

I sitted myself and grab a toast before answering her. "Yeah. But, its not a big deal though." I said shrugging it off as I took a bite at my toast and avoiding her gaze.

She look at me intently before focusing on her coffee.

I sighed in relief when she didnt say a thing after that. I really didnt wanna talk about it.

"You want me to drive you to school?" She ask after a while.

"No thanks. Its still early, Ill just walk to school." I told her. "Besides, you need a rest."

"Alright, as you wish." She said.

After eating, I bid my farewell to her and went on my way. As I open the door, I felt the cold wind brush through me. The sky was in a shade of blue, showing no light what so ever on this forsaken town.

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