- nineteen-

82 5 5

It's cold. 

I can feel how cold it is.

I've never been this cold.

His face comes in, smiling.

'Hey Ethan. Where are you?' I say calmly, even tho I wasn't calm at all.

He smiles, he's all blue

his eyes are golden, i can see the shiny moon in them

'Goodbye for now,Mannie.'

I can't move, but he can

He's walking away and I can hear and feel every step he makes

Dont leave, i think

I can't say anything, I can't do anything

I just think

Until he becomes a fading shadow

'Wake up Mannie'

'Wake up Mannie, please' 

I open my eyes to see Nina in front of me with a worried look on her face.

'It's just a dream. Calm down, please. I'm here. Take my hand.'

I'm confused and all I do is hold her hand.

'Are there any news about them?' I ask, they were missing for three days. Miss. All I think about.

'No...' Nina says and smiles, trying to hide her disappointment. She's an optimist but I know damn well how she feels.

She must've noticed my frown so she adds - 'Don't worry, I'm sure they're okay.'

Nope. None of us is sure.

'Okay. I'll just keep hoping.'

She nods.

'Go back to sleep, I will too.'

I listen to her and lay down.

I feel she layed down next to me, and that's the last thing I feel.

I fall asleep so quickly.

Besides feeling Nina's presence, I feel Ethan's too.

Closed eyes, but they are wide open

Because I see him again;

I try to speak again

'I miss you'

no hesitating

'I miss you too.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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