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Kade POV.

A couple minutes before...

Having been up from the crack of dawn, Kade was in need of someplace to relax. He had hoped to find Alyss and go on another ride, but hadn't managed to track her down yet. Having caught a glimpse of her through the kitchen windows, as she was walking down the side of the building, he had almost had her in his grasp, but once again, ranch business had interfered. By the time he had torn himself away from the situation, she had been nowhere to be seen. However, he had seen the couple that had come with her to the ranch, and gone over to them.

"Hey there."

They looked at him.

"Can we help you?" the girl asked.

"Yes, I believe you can. I saw Alyss come in here. I wanted to ask her something, Do you know where she is?"

The man narrowed his eyes, and started to say something, but the blonde girl put her hand on his arm and replied smoothly, "We just talked to her. I believe she was heading to the barn. She didn't look too good however." she added with a concerned look in her eyes.

Kade nodded and turned away, but he was worried. After what had happened the day before, he knew that she must be under a lot of stress. And he knew that somehow, the guy he had just been talking to had something to do with it. He strode to the barn, and found it noisy, with stable hands shouting to each other, and horses making a racket clamoring for food.

However, he knew that she would most likely seek out the company of animals under stress, and so he made his way to Charon's stall. As he got closer, he could hear Charon neighing quite loudly, but he wasn't kicking, which he was prone to do when he was hungry, and didn't get fed quick enough. He stopped in front of his stall and looked at Charon.

Charon stopped neighing when he saw Kade, but didn't come up to the door to greet him. Kade looked at him, confused as to why he didn't do anything. He stepped up to his stall door and reached a hand out to Charon.

"Come on boy, tell me whats wrong."

Charon snorted, and bobbed his head up and down. Kade sighed and started to turn around, but something caught his eye. He turned back and peered into the darkness of the stall. What he saw almost gave him a heart attack. Opening the door slowly, he shouted to one of the stable hands, "Go find someone with medical experience!" they ran off as he entered the stall, and calmed the antsy Charon.

"That's alright, good boy, you did a good job." he said smoothly.

He made his way to Alyss' prone form, and checked her pulse. It was steady, and the relief he felt at that revelation told him a lot of things. The stable hand he had sent for help arrived with a older lady in tow.

"What kind of medical experience do you have?" he asked sharply.

The lady smiled and knelt beside him. "I was a nurse for 32 years. Good for you on not moving her."

he nodded curtly and watched while she opened Alyss' eyes and inspected them with a flashlight provided by the crowd of stable hands who had quickly became aware of the situation.

After a quick inspection of her vitals, the lady gave the OK for Alyss to be moved. Kade moved in and scooped her up without hesitating. He strode out of the stall, and started moving her to the main house, where he and his housekeeper stayed. However, the nurse stopped him with a question.

"Would she be more comfortable waking up in her own bed?" he stopped and faced her uncertainly.

"Do you think I should?"

The lady gave it some thought then nodded. "I believe it would be better for her to wake up in a familiar environment."

Kade nodded and turned towards the cabins, moving towards the one that Alyss had to herself without hesitating. He turned his head to ask the nurse a question, and found quite the crowd of people, including the couple he had talked to earlier. He gritted his teeth and strode towards the cabin faster. The nurse scurried ahead of him to open the door, and he nodded in thanks as he ducked inside.

He blinked, adjusting his eyes to the darkness inside. He looked around, and saw no clothes on the floor, just an empty suitcase in the corner. He saw the bed and gently settled Alyss on it.

"Thank you. I don't believe I've introduced myself. My name is Gladys, I'm staying with my husband, Harold."

Kade gently shook the hand that was offered, then asked anxiously,

"Is she alright?"

Gladys nodded and relief coursed through his body. She gave him a sharp look, but Kade didn't care. He knew that his feelings had probably been exposed to the world when he had taken her out of the stall. The feeling of her limp body hadn't brought back good memories.

"She is going to be alright, but she's going to need to stay very relaxed these next few days, otherwise I might need to give her something to make her."

Kade looked at her sharply.

"Why does she need it so badly?"

Gladys shook her head. "The poor dear is so stressed that her system couldn't take it anymore. The muscles in her shoulders are tense, which added to her headache, so she must have been in a bit of pain."

Kade shook his head. He had to find out what had happened.

"I'll be back." he said curtly. He strode out the door with a dark expression.


Hey all! Here's another chapter.. I logged on and discovered I've fallen off the ends of the earth! well, not really.. but I've fallen off the What's Hot list :((((

We made it as high as #314! Please, after reading this, vote or comment.. just let me know if you like it!! I'm doing this partly because I challenged myself to actually finish something.. but your support has been amazing.. so.. vote, comment, and if you don't like part in the chapter, or the whole chapter, feel free to tell me! I won't bite, I promise :P so lets try and get it back up on the What's hot list.. please? :D There are so many vampire and werewolf stories that it might be good for a change.. ;)

Working on another chapter, so expect another upload soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2010 ⏰

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