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Picture of Colin Ford as Noah


I opened the latch to the dumpster, my heart hammering against my chest. My breath hitched as I peer inside to see a ball of black fur scuffling inside the trash. Its golden eyes stared at me as I motion for Lucas and Ava to look down at the crumpled newspapers and discarded food trays.

"Oh," I stopped.

"My," Lucas gasps.

"Kitty!" Ava exclaims. The feline bared its fangs, hissing at us threateningly.

"Whoa! It's okay, la gatita, we're not gonna hurt you," a small smile spreads onto my lips as I hold my hand out to her. She sniffs my palm before nuzzling her head on it. She purrs as I scoop her up. Ava couldn't contain her excitement.

"Oh my god, look at her lil' paws!" She gushes.

"I think we broke Ava," Lucas laughs.

"Did you know cats can sense evil spirits! And she's so precious!" Ava snatches the cat from me, practically suffocating it with her hugs. I rub her fur, feeling how skinny she is.

"She must be a stray.." I say with a frown.

"As much as black cats are my thing, my dad's crazy allergic," She grumbles.

"I would take her, if our terrier didn't hate cats," Lucas sighs.

"Well it doesn't matter, since Seven's gonna take her home and let me play with her twice a day, isn't that right?" I deadpan at Ava, but look towards the kitty, her furry face drops in sadness which aches my heart. I sigh.

"Give me," I reach out to take her from Ava's grasp. She nuzzles against my neck as I hold her. "I'm gonna end up with a zoo in my house," I smile. 

"You gonna name her?" Lucas asks. A dozen of cat names cross my mind.

"Hmm...how about, Jet?" she meows at the name. I push aside a few books in my bag to make space for her, zipping up my back and leaving a small crack for her to breathe as we set towards the hospital.


We sign the visitation papers and head towards Dan's room. As we enter, the others are all standing by Dan's unconscious figure, I can't help but to frown.

"Can...can he hear us?" I ask aloud. 

"Nurse said he was in a "vegetative state", whatever that means," Andy says as I sigh.

Stacy looks to the ceiling, vigorously fanning her eyes as she tries to hold back tears. 

"It means that he's awake, but he's not fully conscious. I doubt he knows we're even here," Andy stands as he lets me take his seat. 

"Guys...what if he never wakes up?" Stacy whines, Lily's brows furrow in sadness. Lucas wraps an arm around Stacy as Lily squeezes her hand.

"The doctors say we should at least try talking to him, that he should be able to hear us," Noah scoffs.

"It's mostly bull crap mumbo jumbo they spit out to make us feel better," 

"Does it work?" Ava asks.

"....Unfortunately," Noah's face cracks into despair. We all sit in abrupt silence, I give Dan's hand a light squeeze. For a moment, I feel slight pressure as Dan weakly squeezes back, I hear him give out a barely-audible whisper.

"..Seven.." it brings a smile to my face.

"He knows we're here," I announce confidently. "Dan..if you can hear me..we're gonna make this right. We'll find a way to stop Redfield and make him pay for what he's done to you and everyone around us. We'll find a way to bring you back, and this time...we'll all be there for each other." I can see the tiniest hint of a smile brush on his face as he relaxes slightly.

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