09. Interception

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Katara and her family walked into the theater on Saturday night, a new movie they'd been waiting to see finally coming out. Together, they walked to the main door, chatting about how the movie would play out, each taking a guess.

"I think he'll save her." Her mother told them, the romantic part of her coming out. Her husband laughed, "no, he'll kill her. A mission like that to save his family, that's his only way."

Katara laughed at both of them, not wanting to get dragged into their little banter. Her father opened the main door and stood back, letting his girls go in first. They walked in, stopping on the side as they waited for the man of the family to step up to them again.

"I want snacks." Katara told them, the family walking up to the line of the concession stands.

"I know what I'm getting, what do you gals want?" Her father muttered, turning to look at them. He had his hand enveloped with her mothers, and secretly, Katara was jealous – she wanted to go to the movies and hold someone's hand.

"Well, we're definitely getting popcorn. I'm thinking either licorice or peanut M&M's." Katara looked at her mom, a weird look on her face.

"Mom, every time you say that you end up eating all of your snacks and ours." Katara's voice was serious, but there was a hint of playfulness to it. Her mother looked back at her, a sheepish look on her face.

"That is true." Her father commented, a small smile on his face.

"Well, I'm not sharing this time. I'll have licorice." Katara told her mom, a small smile on her face.

"Fine, I'll have both I guess." Her mother sighed in defeat.

"I'll let you have my candy anytime you'd like." Her father told his wife, a sly smile on his lips with a glint of seduction in his voice.

"Ew!" Katara shouted, not wanting to know what they were going to talk about.

"Mm, I like that idea." Her mother told him, looking into his eyes. Katara groaned in disgust, looking around to see where she could walk off to in order to hide from this embarrassment.

"I'm going away now; you guys know what I want." She told them, the married couple barely hearing her as they were lost in each other's eyes. Katara found a bench along the wall and sat on it, keeping her eyes away from her parents.

With her legs uncrossed side by side and her elbow on her thigh, she leaned forward to rest her chin in her hand, thoughts luring themselves into her high school mind as she stared at the ugly green carpet.

She wanted something like that, but all the boys in her school always seemed to want something different. Either that, or to just brag about how they went on a date with Katara, the girl known at the school too good to be bothered by anyone unless they were her best friend or a teacher.

Katara didn't have time for boys; even though she low key wanted a relationship. The games were just stupid, and Katara didn't want any of that. Even though she had her eyes on a special guy, she didn't think he wanted the same thing as her.

"Hey, look who it is." A young male voice spoke, forcing Katara to look up. Yusuke was standing there with Keiko.

"Weird, seeing as how Tokyo is so big and yet here we are." Katara told them with a smile, taking her arm off of her leg and scooting over so they could sit.

"Well, Keiko really wanted to see the new movie that came out a few days ago." Yusuke spoke, sitting next to Katara. Keiko sat on Yusuke's other side, both of them facing Katara.

"How have you been?" Keiko asked; meeting eye contact with Katara. The lone female smiled small, pointing her finger back at the concession stands.

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