04. Incursion

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Just as Mukuro had thought, the force field surrounded them once again. As they all ran and began fighting, it had taken the demons inside by surprise. Kurama had stayed by Kuwabara's side, knowing he wasn't there for the Demon World tournament, yet Kurama didn't belittle him - Kuwabara was a good fighter.

As the fights continued, a lone shadow not detected had noticed the intrusion. It slipped into a building and walked briskly down the halls. Once it reached its destination, the figure stopped and stared at the mess before its eyes.

"What happened here?" Her voice demanded, laced with annoyance. The man that had been causing harm to Katara opened his eyes from the floor, a result of being too close to an exploding blast of energy.

He groggily looked up at the woman with short magenta colored hair, her black demon eyes slanted in a way he wasn't fond of. She was pissed. The man in question ignored her and stood up to glare at the human female passed out on the table.

"Now," he emphasized, "I'm going to kill her." He was livid. As he brought his arm back, a small light engulfed his open hand; he steadied himself and forced his hand down to her chest. The female didn't stop him. To her, these humans were just lab rats they disposed of if their work didn't pan out.

A loud banging sound could be heard as someone entered the room. The man stopped, inches from her heart. Both of their eyes darted to a man with scaly skin.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to evade Mukuro. I refuse to die by her hands." He stated and walked into the room, leaving the door wide open.

"What are you doing?" The scaly demon asked the man whose hand was engulfed with energy, still paused at her chest.

"Hmph," and with that he retreated his arm and the energy died out from his hand.

"Didn't know quick death was your style, Jax." The man by the door smirked; Jax, the demon who had visits to Katara and was the one to work on her, raised his fist, his energy coming back again.

"You wanna go?" He questioned, "this bitch has been pissing me off since I brought her here."

The demon, Aros, let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back.

"Your threats don't scare me." Aros waved his hand, dismissing Jax's attempted threat. Jax let his hand fall back to his side, the energy fading once again. Aros turned his head to the one who organized all of this, the female demon.

"So Fei, what's the plan?" Aros asked her and she met his eyes, arms crossed over her chest. Fei hesitated, not liking the idea that Mukuro's army, her second in command and the spirit detective were here. There work obviously brought attention to the Spirit World. With a heavy sigh, she looked at the ground, thinking of what to do.

Meanwhile outside, Kuwabara and Kurama had finished their last battle, the other demons and comrades continued on with their own.

"We're going inside, Urameshi!" Kuwabara shouted, not waiting for his friend's response. The former spirit detective heard Kuwabara's shout but was too busy dodging an attack. Yusuke then gave the demon an upper punch, pulling out his famous shot gun pose. Kuwabara and Kurama ran towards the closest building.

"Stick together, Kuwabara. You don't know what traps lie beneath." Kurama spoke and Kuwabara nodded his head. Opening the front door, they ran inside, checking with their eyes and ears for anything out of place as they ran.

"Which one is Botan in?" Kuwabara asked.

"Botan is fine, she's a spirit. Even if they succeeded, she wouldn't be in that critical condition. Focus on the others." Kurama was worried though; he hoped they wouldn't be as stupid as to harm a deity.

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