Blinded By Love

241 17 5

Tell me what's real and what's fake, cuz I've been blinded.

Living in that perfection state, that deception state.

You took that vow to stay forever true,

and here we are in this mess.

I pace this small room in thought,

feeling as though everything has stopped.

Love has left replaced with broken promises and regret.

Lies course through my soul, and pain chips away at my heart.

Trust is lost in the gaze of your eyes, turned to cold stones of betrayal.

Your face shows no sign of remores, you seem to not care.

So tell me how can we be as one if your love was fictitious, was it ever realistic?

I applauded you for the performance of a lifetime, you made me fall deep.

But I will not shed a tear, I will not weap.

I will stand strong, and on my feet.

Taking control from here on out,  blinded by a facade that potraid love.

I will not fall again, I will rise and go on with life.

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