Part Twenty

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6 Months Later:

"Why are people so mean?" Katie asked me and I jokingly looked around to see if she was asking anyone else and she smiled.

    "Is this directed at me or...?" I asked and she laughed as I cut up the steak. We were so perfect right now. Everybody loved us together and I mean fuck I did too. Ever since Merk pointed to her ring I was thinking about marriage. Katie was the only one who I could have a future with.

"Just feed me I'm hungry." She muttered and I chuckled.

    "Is that why you're with me?" I asked carrying the two plates past her.

"Well that and you have a great ass." She teased and slapped my ass. I looked at her over my shoulder and she burst out laughing which made me chuckle and shake my head. We sat down and our dogs stared at us from the floor. Katie sat with her legs tucked under her so our shoulders were touching.

    "What was the nicest thing Derek ever did for you?" I asked randomly and she looked at me.

"I think it was our first date where he opened the door for me." She said and I rolled my eyes. I do that on a daily basis oh my lord. She giggled and kissed my cheek.

    "Hey....I don't know if how you'll react to this but what uh....what happened to the baby?" I have been dying to ask that question. No one ever told me. She sighed and put her fork down.

"I had a miscarriage. I was in a small car accident and I lost the baby." She whispered and I knew she felt bad from her reaction. I kissed her head and she sighed again. Maybe I could cheer her up.

"Everything set up?" I asked nervously and my sister gave me a stern look. "I'm nervous." I said and she laughed. This was it, one of the biggest days of my life. The plan was, we were having dinner with Jessie and Vince and then after we were going to see a movie. But the movie was a video of Katie and I together. For some reason almost every one in my family has videos/photos of Katie and I. My sister and Amber took on the project and made a video of it. I haven't even seen it. I had the velvet cushion in my pocket and I bounced my leg nervously.

"Hi my love!" I heard that perfect voice sing and I looked over at Katie as she walked in. I smiled and stood up. She pecked my lips and we sat down. I already ordered for her the chicken with broccoli. "Aww you know me so well." She cooed and Merk giggled. We were talking about random stuff but I really was so nervous I just kept playing out in my head how this could go. "Babe are you okay?" Katie asked me and I looked up at her. She looked so cute with her sunglasses on her head. I smiled and nodded. We paid for the dinner and stood up. I followed them over to the movie theater and I was actually shaking at this point. "Babe what is going on why are you shaking?" She asked and I waved her off.

"I'm fine." I said and she squinted at me. I paid for our tickets and we walked to our destined theater. With no one in it. We sat in the back and Merk and Vince made the excuse of going to get drinks. The lights lowered and it started. Holy shit.

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