Part Thirteen

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"You-You love me?" She stuttered and I sighed. This is not how I wanted tonight to go. "Elizabeth I....I'm sorry I never meant for this to go this far." She whispered.

"What do you mean?" I growled and she wiped her tears off her face.

"This....It started off as a dare. Amber dared me to make you fall in love with me but I didn't expect myself to fall in love with you as well. Haley was in on it we never thought this would happen I'm so sorry. I'm going to GWU because I'm-I'm....pregnant with Derek's-." I stopped listening. I stopped breathing. This was a lie. Everything was a lie. This was a joke right? I mean I should wake up right now....nope, still awake.

"Get out." I whispered trying to hold back my tears.

"Liz ple-." She started but I refused to listen to her bullshit.

"GET THE FUCK OUT! I HATE YOU!" I yelled and she flinched. "I don't love you I hate you." I said to her and her tears flowed down her face freely. She shakily turned around and left. I slid down the sink and sobbed on the floor. Everybody I knew and loved.....they were a lie. This was a lie. Life was a lie.

"Amber's over there." The librarian pointed and I forced a smile. I walked into the aisle and saw Amber and Tori together.

"Johnson." I said and Amber looked up. I took a large step and slammed my fist into her face. She fell to the ground and Tori shoved me back.

"ELIZABETH WHAT THE FUCK?!" My closet friend shouted. Well looks like my only friend now.

"She dared Katie to break my heart. She dared Katie to date me. This wasn't real. This was a lie. Fuck you Amber. Tori I hope you realize what you two have is probably a joke as well." I said and Amber looked up with a busted lip.

"L-Liz I'm so sorry I-I-." Amber started and Tori looked down at her.

"You dared her? could you?" Tori whispered and Amber stood up.

"Baby I didn't know that-." She went to touch Tori but Tori slapped her, hard.

"Get away from me. You and I are over." She said and choked back her tears as we both walked out.

"I'm sorry Tori." I said to her and she shook her head as tears ran down her face.

"I'm sorry too." She whispered and I smiled a bit. "What?" She asked.

"Let's go to California now. We already graduated we have all our credits. We're both going to UCLA, we both have our place let's just go now!" I said and she shrugged. "We can get away from this hellhole." I whispered and she looked up.

"Okay, let's do it." She nodded and I smiled. This was the smartest idea I've ever had. To get away from all these lies.

"Go home and pack your final clothes, we need to get the next plane before they can try to talk to us." Running from the problem was my best thing. As I was in my car I called my mom to tell her sad/big news.

"Hi baby!" I hated that word, thanks Katie.

"Mom, I have to tell you something. I'm moving to California tonight. Some things changed at the college and they offered me a spot now that I have to take." I lied. I couldn't tell her I was heartbroken and a little bitch who was running, more like flying, from her problems.

"Elizabeth. Why are you moving now?" She asked. Damn this woman.

"Katie lied, she's not coming with me to California. Everything that was between us was a lie. It was a dare, a mere joke." My voice cracked at the end as I stopped at a red light.

"I'm not going to tell you how to live your life. I support you if this is what you want to do. But I don't believe for a second Katie never liked or loved you. Whatever happened was bad but you two belong together." She said and my heart froze. I could turn around right now. Go back to my apartment, forget about this. Or I could continue on and meet Tori at the airport.

"I love you mom. I'll call you when I land." I said and proceeded on the green light. I wasn't going back.

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