Chapter 26

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Relatively quick update I guess

Hope you all like it! 


With barely a glance at the weird birds, Freak changed into his animagus form and slithered across the cold floor and through a small crack in the door.  

Towering statues stood tall around the checkered center of the room- a giant chessboard. It was at moments like this one where Freak wished he payed more attention to games and such. 

With a tentative swish of his tail, he edged around the side of the room-dampening his magic all the while. One of the stones twitched towards him and he froze, but it twitched back into place and he released a breath he hadn't realized that he was holding. 

Finally he made it to and under the next door- immediately wishing he hadn't. 

A foul smell washed over him, making him reel backwards in disgust- it smelled worse than Dudley! (A feat in itself)

In the middle of the room sat a fat, smelly, ugly troll. Why were there so many Trolls in Hogwarts?

Trying not to breath, Freak slowly made his way around the edge of the chamber, as far away from the troll as possible. With a grunt, the troll woke up. 

Terrified, Freak darted forwards towards the door- hopefully he could reach it before-!

A huge grubby hand reached around Freak's middle, almost crushing his delicate wings. 

Of course- he cursed himself- how could he expect to get through every obstacle by sneaking!!! 

The troll's small eyes focused onto the small occamy in it's grasp. It was a very pretty snake, with striking green eyes and midnight black scales. It's moon-pale wings accentuated the opposing color of it's scales. Obviously, Ogwump wanted to keep the little gem. With a grunt, the troll settled back down again, the occamy firmly stuck in his fat fingers. 

Scared stiffly out of his wits, Freak sat there in the giant hand for a minute, before realizing 

one- he kind of liked being held

and two- he didn't want to be held by a troll

With a small shriek, he grew to the size of the entire dungeon, thoroughly confusing the Troll. With a huff, he sped under this door too- right into a chamber lit by black fire. 

Seven bottles lay on a table in front of him, next to them- a note. 

Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,

Two of us will help you, which ever you would find

Two of us will help you, which ever you would find,

One among us seven will let you move ahead,

Another will transport the drinker back instead,

Two among our number hold only nettle wine,

Three of us are killers, waiting bidden in line.

Choose, unless you wish to stay here forevermore,

To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:

First, however slyly the poison tries to hide

You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;

Second, different are those who stand at either end,

But if you would move onward, neither is your friend;

Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,

Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;

Fourth, the second left and the second on the right

Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight.

Freak almost scoffed, maybe they expected everyone to be an idiot? The smallest bottle was obviously the flame-resistance potion. He hadn't looked through so many textbooks so many times for nothing. 

Changing into his original form, he picked up the small bottle and took one small gulp. Immediately, he felt a sensation like ice coursing through his veins before he jumped through the flames and into the last room. 

A large mirror sat at the end of the room, twinkling innocently. Almost in a trance, Freak walked forwards till he was directly in front of it. 

In the glass- he was on a rolling hill, a large house behind him and blurred, happy faces surrounding him. 

He was smiling.   

With a start, Freak realized what this mirror was- and what that meant for him. 

What he wanted- most of all- was just a peaceful life. Not power, not riches, just peace, possibly love. 

Tears found their ways down his cheeks without him even realizing it. This is what he wanted most? A regular life for once? 

He wanted a life where he wasn't manipulated and abused at every corner. That was all he wanted deep down. It hurt to know how much his life was already messed up. 

With a sigh, he glanced back at the mirror and watched as he picked up a small red stone from between the blades of grass at his feet. Looking down, he saw the same stone in a similar position. He bent down, picked it up, and turned around without looking back. 


Wow this was actually a decent length! 

Pay attention to some of the details in this chapter- they will be important later on! 

Hope you all enjoyed, don't forget to comment, vote, (and maybe subscribe to me?)

Haha as if!-

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