Chapter 15

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Sorry for the long wait (10 days) and for the extremely short filler chapter... 

I (Mostly) blame the most deadly disease known to Author-kind. A pandemic of enormous proportions. A vile sickness of the mind, leaving you with a worse feeling than strep throat. A- 

I think you understand...

Writers Block... Sorry.

Here's the poem: 'Four Traits, Four Houses'

'Bravery is power

Knowledge is power

Cunning is power

Yet humbleness is the disregard of your own power...

Which really seems best?

Now... Answer me this...

Which is most sought after?

Which is shown the most disregard?

And which is okay with being shown disregard...?'

It's more of a contemplation than a poem, a personal inquiry...

Again, sorry for the long update-less period of time...


Freak walked down to lunch, people avoided him like the plague. Probably because Bulan was awake.

'I don't trusssssst your teacher...'

Freak looked down at the snake.

'I don't know if he isssss trussssstworthy either, for now, we will sssssee.'

Satisfied with that answer, Bulan curled a little tighter around his shoulders, before setting his head on top of Freaks. The new vantage point seemed to scare people even further, as even a few boys flinched away from the reptile's sharp emerald gaze.

Freak walked into the lunchroom, and a few people glanced at him, before hastily turning to their neighbors. Once at the Ravenclaw table, he made sure to sit close to Luna, who had many open seats around her.

"Hello Harry!"

Freak nodded to her in greeting. Bulan nodded too, which made several girls shudder. Then, the food appeared, and most talking ceased as the students dug into the feast. Freak was pretty hungry, so he took an apple. Luna looked at him oddly.

"Aren't you hungry..?"

Freak nodded, a bit more enthusiastically than he normally would.

By then, he had finished his apple, and he was stuffed. It was the most he had eaten all week.

Bulan was somewhere buried in the ham.

Eventually lunch was over and Freak managed to cram in a piece of cheese before his next class: History of Magic.

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