Chapter 19

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Well, looks like I was able to get one relatively quick! I liked the idea of a panther, dragon, and snake Harry, however, I am actually postponing the release of his animagus form until next chapter- mwahaha I feel evil.

Sorry ':)


Freak glanced at Bulan.

'What'sss that?'

'Your animagusss form - It isss the animalissstic form you can turn into. Asss far as I've heard every wizard and witch hasss one. Apparently if you become an animagusss you have to register in your minissstry. A lot of your kind have bypassed that rule, though.'

'Wow, do you know if I am able to pick my form? Maybe I could scare the Durssleysss...'

'From what I can tell, you cannot.'

Freak sighed, he hoped that he could be some sort of predator. It would be a nice change.

'Ssso anywaysss... how do I learn, Bulan?'

The snake grinned (as much as he could) 'There is a potion you can brew to unlock it- afterwardssss it sssuposssedly gets easssier to change formsss'

'I ssshould probably check the forbidden sssection. I'm guesssing that Dumbledore wouldn't allow that knowledge to be open to everyone.'

For the next hour or so, he and Bulan discussed their plan to get a teacher to give him permission into the forbidden section. They would start in the morning - at this point, the rest of the house was trickling back into their respective common rooms.


Getting dressed, then gathering a still sleeping Bulan onto his shoulders, he headed down to the charms classroom.

As he walked he started to write on some spare parchment.

Hello Professor Flitwick, I was wondering if you'd allow me to browse the forbidden section of the library? I've been studying the effect of certain potions on lower life forms and found that my pool of information was quite shallow in the unregulated sections of the library. I hope this is not too much to ask.

-_-At charms-_-

With a surprised, but by no means unhappy squeak, professor Flitwick saw Freak enter his classroom- early, as usual. He was quite confused as to how early Mr. Potter was.

"Is there something you wanted to talk with me about, Harry?"

Freak handed him the note. As predicted - Filius found information gathering for potions a valid excuse for going to the forbidden section. Soon, Freak was walking out of the class with a crisp note and a waking Bulan in his clutches.

'Sssso, you convinced the professor to help you?'


'Well then, lookssss like ssssoon you will find how to brew the potion you need.'

'I guesss sssso.'

With that, Freak walked into the library- headed towards the forbidden section. 

HAHAA cliffy :3 

Well, I'll be updating soon! Keep letting me know ideas for Freak's form if you'de like!

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