Getting out pt.2

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I woke up to merle shaking me. I got up and looked at him and down to his hand. Sometime threw the night he had put some medal thing on it with a knife on the end.

"Time to move" he said. I nod and make sure my weapons are with me before taking my tomahawk out as Merle got ready to open the door he peeped his head out before opening it all the Way. we both walked out

"Lead the way" I say. he nodded and walked we were both as quite as possible as we walked around I found a couple walkie talkies along the way I grabbed them and kept walking.

when we got to a exit we tried opening it but it was bolted from the other side

"Give me your jacket" he said. I nodded taking it off and giving it to him he wrapped it around his hand before punching the window beside us

"We have to hurry, geeks gonna be swarmin us" he said climbing out the window with me in his trail as we started down a alley way. we climbed threw the part Glenn had cut and started out.

"We made it out!" I say excited

"Yeah.. now we go back to camp" he said

"Yeah I miss Ella so much.. I'm sure you miss daryl to"

"Yeah..So how old are you again kid?"

"I'm not a kid for one I'll 22 soon!"

He chuckled

"We're gonna need food soon.. I could go hunting, we could set up a small camp"

"Ok" I say. we went right into the woods and walked awhile before stopping

"This will be good I'll be back soon stay quite and stay low. I don't need anything happening to ya"

"Yeah, you to, be careful" I say handing him a walkie talkie "just incase."

he nodded and walked off.

I started getting things to make a fire I got rocks and small twigs I set them up in a nice circle before grabbing my lighter outta my bag and lighting a small patch of dry grass I picked I lit almost instantly I threw it in the fire and watched as everything started burning creating my light and my warmth and Merle's sign of the way home. I sat for awhile till I heard voices coming my way so I stood up pulling out my tomahawk. I watched as three men walked toward camp

"Aye boss" I heard one say as he pointed in my direction I grabbed the walkie talkie and out it behind my back as they walked toward me. I said nothing to them as they walked closer

"Hello!" one said as he walked in front of me standing in front of the fire

"We mean no harm. are you alone?"he asked

I didn't say anything only looked at him. I pressed the button on the walkie talkie so merle could hear what was going on. I just held it with my tomahawk still out

"We're not gonna hurt you if you cooperate..." he said "now answer a couple of questions for me" I flipped him the bird he smirked and his friends chuckled

"She's feisty boss mind if I keep her?" the Mexican one said.

"Sure" he said just as he walked toward me I heard large footsteps I smirked knowing merle was here

"Well well what's going on here?"

They all turned to see merle

"Who are you?"

"Merle, and that's my girlfriend, so suggest ya back off"

He said to the one who had walked to me pushing him back some and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I had to put my tomahawk away then.

"They call my the governor, that bow man and Martinez.. we don't mean any harm just stumbled up on your little camp.. is it just the two of you? we have plenty of space at our camp there's lots of us, plenty of food ,water and shelter"

I looked to merle and he looked to me.

"Yeah we could use something like that"

"Good but ya gotta pull your own weight"

"We've both got military experience"merle said.

He smirked and nodded.

-----/Ella's P.O.V\------

I sat on the RV with dale waiting three days! three days she had been gone I only hopped she was ok but all I could do was wait

"You don't need to worry you know" dale said and I looked at him "she'll be fine and back before you know it"

"I hope so, she's all I got" I said back.

We sat in silence until we all heard sirens going of everyone stood up and watched as a red sports car rolled in and Glenn jumped out

"Where is she. is she ok?!" Amy started asking

"She's fine she fine" Glenn said as a van rolled in behind him I jumped off the Rv as people came outta the car

"How'd you get out"

"New guy"

"New guy?.."shane asked after that a man in a sharifs uniform got out

"DAD"carl yelled running to him as Lori chased him and they engulfed each other with hugs and kisses but then I remembered

"Where is she?" I asked my voice cracking. everyone looked at me and there head dropped

"Is she dead?" I asked as tears came to my eyes

"Ella? your Ali's sister?" the police man said


"I'm rick... your sister, she stayed behind"

"Why what are you talking about?!"

"A man named merle.. he wasnt cooperating with us so i handcuffed him to the roof.. your sister stayed with him"he said

"To hell with you! to hell with all of you!" I screamed "when daryl find out he'll kill you best be glad it wasn't me tho"i say I grabbed my bow and ran into the woods.

The Dead LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora