The dead love

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I was 14 when my parents decided they didn't want me or my sister Ella. we where twins and I mean identical the only difference was our eyes in which Ella's where sea blue with grey in then and mine where green with a dash of orange I got them from the person I hated the most; my father. Anyways when me and Ella turned 14 they kicked us outta the house. That night we stayed at a neighbors but they called an adoption Center and the next day we where up for adoption, although we never found a family who wanted us... When we turned 15 we both started looking for jobs.. Ella went into music and I went in to military school I was going to be a marine and Ella wanted to be a singer. By the time both of us turned 18 and had to leave the adoption center we where both well off money wise so we started our lives on our own we bought a small home to live in everything was fine until the virus broke out people came back from the dead and ate living people. A single bite or a scratch would make you turn and there was nothing you could do about it ..I can still remember the day it happened I remember it like was yesterday


I woke up in bed as usual. I got up and went down stairs

"Morning" Ella said as she drunk her coffee

"Morning.. so what's your plans for today?"

"I have a small show tonight a 7"


"Yeah you?"

"Nothing I'm off today so just gonna chill"

"Fun" she said sarcastically

"Yup" I said biting into a apple I ate my apple while Ella drank her coffee in silence until we heard a loud pitch scream "what was that?!" Ella said

"Probably the neighbors again" I said with a smirk

She jumped up and looked Out the window

"What the hell?!" she yelled throwing herself away from the window

"What is it?" I ask jumping over to the window. I opened the blinds to see people eating other people except the people didn't look like people the skin was rotting and a super pale color and blood and what looked to be flesh hung from there mouths

"What the?!" I say backing away

"We can't stay here! we have to leave!" Ella started rambling

"Ella calm down turn the tv and the radio on" she didn't hesitate to do them

"Stand by while the following message is repeated.. a virus has broke out many people have been left dead stranded and infected. don't not touch or try to help anyone who may be infected. stay indoors do not come out unless necessary. if you need to kill a infected go for the brain it seems to be a weak spot in there body's....stay safe and good luck"

"We're not safe we have to leave"

"Stand by while the following message is repeated" the tv said again Ella turned it off I ran up stairs grabbing my things

"Ella grab food water and anything you can put in a bag... get your bow and arrows to!" I yell to her I grabbed a duffle bag outta my closet and threw a couple pairs of cloths in it before grabbing my weapons: tomahawk throwing knifes a butterfly knife and a desert eagle. I ran back down to see Ella looking out the window with two bags beside her

"Ella let's go" I say. she nodded grabbing the bags and following me into the garage. we put our stuff in the car and got in

"Where to?" Ella asked

"Not sure get me that map" I say. we scanned over it awhile before Ella said

"What about that old camp sight we used to go to?"

So here we are now at that camp sight with some group I don't even like.. only Ella and this guy merle only caus he's into the military tho or at least used to be.

"Ali! come help"I heard Ella. I looked and saw her carrying a basket of laundry I rolled my eyes but stood up and followed her to the small lake at the bottom of the hill

"Why'd you want my help?" I ask quietly to her

"You need to talk to the people here you know there good people" she said I looked back to the lake and saw the rest of the women it wasn't I didn't like them I just didn't want to talk...

"Hey girls!!" Ella said as she reached the bottom

"Hey!" Lori said also with a few others

"Though we'd come help.. well I did I made her come" they laughed at her joke as I just sat there

"So you guys are twins?" Amy asked

"Yeah identical but I'm the oldest" Ella said. Ella say beside me

"Do I have to stay down here?" I ask Ella quietly

"Ali just stay..Why do you wanna talk to merle?!" I said to her quietly

"You know he doesn't like your presence" she stated.

"You think I care"

"Fine go but you have to do dishes tonight" I saluted her before running back up the hill I saw merle sitting with his brother at the small campsite. I I ran over and sat in front of Merle

"The hell ya want gurli?!" I grabbed my note book and wrote down 'another story' and showed it to him.

He sighed and nodded. I smiled at him and got on the log got comfortable before he started

"Alright well once I was-"

"We're running outa food we have to go on a run soon!" we heard we all turned to see Lori talking with Shane rather loud. I rolled my eyes at them. I never like Shane and Lori was always negative.

"Alright volunteers to go on a run to town?"

"I'll go" merle said

"Me to" Glenn, morals, Andrea, Jackie, and T-dog said and I raised my hand

"Alright leave soon" Shane said, I waved to merle before going to my tent grabbed my tomahawk a belt full of throwing knives and a small pistol in its holder I put my black bicker gloves on and ran out to get in the car we where taking

"Ali your going again' Ella said with tears In her eyes

"I'll be back like always" I whisper

"Ali your all I have if-"

"I'll be fine it's what I was trained for I'll see you in a couple days" I hugged her tight before getting in the car as we drive off

"This should be close enough we'll walk from here" Glenn said

"stay quiet guys" morals said. I pull my tomahawk out and swung it around as we go into a ally with a few geeks in it I slice the one off with my tomahawk before throwing a knife into the others head landing it straight in the eye. I quickly got it back and followed everyone up the ladder into the building

"Grab what you can find we need anything useful" Glenn said. I walked around and found a bag before stuffing some stuff in it. I came to the register and found cigarets I jumped over the counter and looked around before throwing packs into my separate bag

"Lost?" I heard I pulled my tomahawk out fast and spun around only to see merle. I pulled back quick

"Didn't mean to startle Ye gurli just getting some good stuff" he said walking past her before grabbing a pack of cigarets and a lighter before walking off I grabbed a few more thing like cloths and a couple bottles of water I found on the floor before walking over to Andrea who was looking at cloths

"Hey" she said I smiled and nodded at her "your a really quiet person she said with a chuckle I nodded she asked me a couple more things before we heard a bunch of gun shots going off

"The hell?" practically everyone said running to the roof

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