"She wasn't supposed to die." Lucy sobs out.

"I know, I'm sorry." She whispered.

Lucy doesn't respond as she continues to sob.

"Shh." Lauren cooed, rubbing Lucy's back.

"I have to call Camila." Lucy sobs out.

"Take a deep breath first." Lauren responded.

Nodding her head, Lucy takes a deep breath and pulls out her phone.

Lauren took Lucy's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Dialing Camila's number, Lucy closes her eyes and waits for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Camila answered, feeling a little tipsy.

"M-Mila," Lucy sobs out.

"Lucy?" Camila stumbled slightly.

"Braelynn's dead." the older girl sobs out.

"W-what?" Camila hiccuped.

Lucy takes a deep breath and curls into Lauren. "Braelynn is dead."

"No." Camila breathed.

The older girl doesn't respond as she is once again taken over by sobs.

She heard Camila crying over the phone.


Camila wakes up with a gasp and gets up, heading for Braelynn's room.

Braelynn was sound asleep in her bed.

Camila let out a sigh of relief and closed her eyes, leaning against the doorframe, breathing heavily. She swallowed.

"Camz? Are you okay? Why are you awake?" Lauren asked softly.

"I had a nightmare." Camila responds softly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lauren asked softly.

"I think I just need a drink." Camila responded.

Lauren frowns slightly and grabs Camila's hand. "Stop drinking."

Camila turned to Lauren with a hooded look in her eyes. She pulled her hand from Lauren's and walked away.

"Camila, I'm serious. If you keep drinking you won't be allowed around our baby." Lauren says, forgetting that she didn't tell Camila.

Camila froze, she turned to face Lauren. "What the hell did you just say?"

"I'm pregnant." Lauren responds slowly.

"How far along?" Camila frowned, staring at the green-eyed girl.

Biting her lip, Lauren takes a deep breath. "Two months."

"When did you find out?" Camila asked.

"Two days ago." Lauren responds softly.

Camila looked Lauren up and down. "I still need a drink." She said before turning away.

"So you would put drinking over your family?" Lucy asks, standing right in front of her.

Camila looked Lucy up and down. "You don't understand." She moved around the older girl.

"I don't understand? You're the one coming home everyday and getting drunk. You've missed three of Remi's soccer games. Blake's football game and several of Braelynn's dance performances." Lucy snaps out.

"You've missed all of Marley's performances with the glee club." Lauren added.

"The life of a cop is hard!" Camila snapped back.

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