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~ Uraraka's POV ~

"Morning!!!" I say to my family as I run down the stairs and quickly grab a snack. "Ahhhh Mom!!! Why didn't you wake me up earlier!! I'm gonna be late!" I take my sandwich and start running to the door.

Uraraka! Wait, you're not wearing your uniform!! "Ah!" I quickly run back to my room, setting my sandwich on my table and quickly get dressed and make a run for school.

~ Time Skip ~

As I was rushing to school, I happened to come across Midoriya. He looks so down.... Did something happen?

" OI MIDORIYAAA!!" I yell with my two hands cupped around my mouth for a louder effect. He didn't hear me.... " Hey Midoriya? Are you alright?"

"Ah, Uraraka! You startled me! How are you?"

" You didn't hear me at all did you? I asked if you were all right."

"Uh, yeah... I'm alright! Why wouldn't I be?" I say giving a fake smile

"Alright.... but are you getting enough sleep? Just look at your eyes! And have you been eating?!" Hm... I've never seen Midoriya act like this. Something is DEFINITELY wrong!

"Uhm...hey, look, we're here! Anyways I have to go, I'll talk to you later!" I say as I'm about to run off, until I feel a hand grabbing my arm.

"We're in the same class Midoriya. Where could you possibly go?"

"Washroom... I'll see you in class!!" I say quickly shaking my arm out of her hand.

I take a glance at my phone screen to see what time it is. I really want to follow him.. but I can't be late to class! "ONLY 2 minutes?! I GOTTA HURRY!!"

~ Time Skip

I made it in just the nick of time to class. I hurried to my seat before Aizawa-Sensei came in. Of course, him being all sleepy, he won't come until it's been past 5 minutes. The principal should really talk to him.

"Hey Iida? Have you seen Midoriya?

"No I haven't. He's always here early...Has anyone seen Midoriya?", Iida asked the class.

Yeah I've seen him!! He was heading to the bathroom, said Mineta.

So he did go to the bathroom. Maybe he did need to use the bathroom and I'm just over thinking...

~Time Skip to when Aizawa comes in~

"Welcome class," Aizawa said in his usual monotone voice.

"STAND UP, BOW, SAY GOOD MORNING,"  shouts the class president.

"Good morning, Sensei." Everyone says in unison.

As Aizawa stars taking attendance, I slowly zone out. Is he okay? What's taking him so long? Why am I so worried? What's this nasty feeling I'm getting?

Uraraka? Uraraka- URARAKA!


Okay......... everyone's here except Midoriya. Today's lesson is.....

~ 25 Minute Time Skip~

SORRY I'M LATE SENSEI! Says Midoriya while half yelling.

Sit down and we will talk after class. Aizawa says looking bored.

I'll talk to him at lunch...

~Time Skip to lunch~

"Hey Midoriya? Could we talk?"

Yeahh.. sure just a sec, I have to go talk with Sensei. Do you want me to meet you somewhere?

" The cafeteria would sound great!

" Yep! I'll see you there in 10 minutes!

"Yep!" I grab my lunch and head to the cafeteria, waiting for Midoriya. Constantly glancing at my phone, it seems to be taking Midoriya longer than he said. This time I don't care what's happening around me, I'm going to go and look for him myself! Heading to the teachers office, I run across Aizawa-sensei in the hall.

"Sensei? Have you seen Midoriya? We were supposed to meet up 10 minutes ago, but he hasn't appeared.... I'm really getting worried."

"Hmmm....., I let him go about 5 minutes ago, he might just be running late. Don't worry." Aizawa says with a bored tone.

"Yeah...hope so". Finishing my conversation with Sensei, I continue walking. I walk past the boys bathroom and stand staring at the door. "Could he be in here? It wouldn't hurt to look...... But what if there's guys in there?! I'll then be called a pervert my whole hero life!" For Midoriya.

" I'm going in!"

Blood ....



A corpse.....

A smiling corpse.....

It's Midoriya....

Why did you have to die? ( BNHA fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now