Chapter 8: Trouble & Tingles

Start from the beginning

She walked over to Luke's desk with her things and plopped down next to him. 

"Hi." She said. He smiled at her. She noticed his smile was kind of crooked. It was cute.

They completed the lab in a comfortable silence before the AntiChrist spoke up saying they had to complete a three page lab report by next week. 

She was packing up her things when a she saw a hand reach for her side of the desk out of her peripheral vision. She slammed her hand onto her phone out of instinct; whenever her phone was on any surface at home, Mike would try taking it and snooping through it. 

She looked at Luke with her eyebrows pulled in wondering why the hell he wanted her phone.

"Let me see your phone for a minute." He said, with his hand held out expectantly.

"No." It wasn't personal, she just didn't like people touching her things.

"Just let me see it."


"Give it to me."


"Just for a second."


"Half a second."

She sighed and went to tuck her phone away when she felt him wrap his hand around her wrist and pull her hand towards him. She yanked it back. He reached for it again, causing her to pull back further away from him.

He jabbed her in the side, and Ella, being the ticklish bitch she is, jumped and in that moment of weakness, he pulled her phone away. 

"Luke! Give it back!" She whisper-yelled, trying to get it back.

He turned completely around, so that his back faced her while he clicked away on it. She had had her thumb on the home button earlier, so all he had to do was click it to unlock the screen. She pounded on his back trying to get him to turn when suddenly, Ms Perkins, AKA the devil, called out,

"Skylar! Edna! What is going on back there?" Ella noticed half the class was looking at them, and Sam was giving her suggestive winks. She would've laughed at the "Skylar" if she wasn't so mad.

"Nothing ma'am we were just-" Ella started to explain herself but she was cut off,

"Detention! Today after school for one hour. Next time, you can think again about disrupting my class."

They weren't even doing a lesson! Ella was pissed. Luke silently handed her phone back with a smirk on his face.

"I just wanted to put my number in." He whispered.

"You could've easily asked!" She said.

"Where's the fun in that?" He grinned slyly and the bell went, saving him from the verbal ass whooping that Ella was sure to deliver.

The rest of Ella's day was uneventful, she told Mike about detention and he said he had practice either way, so this was a good thing.

After school she headed to the detention room that was written on her slip. She strolled in to find Luke sitting down in the middle of the room scribbling down something on a blue notebook. There were three other people in there; Omar, a junior she tutored last year, Jenna, a bratty cheerleader who was chewing her gum loudly, and basketball Lewis.

She signed in at the front, and the teacher in charge told her to sit wherever she wanted and that she could leave in an hour.

She walked to the edge of the room and sat in the window seat behind Lewis. She pulled out her sketchbook and was about to start a new drawing when her phone vibrated.

Unknown number: U look cute today

She frowned. She didn't remember giving her number to anyone recently.

Ella: so i didnt look cute yesterday?

Unknown number: Wait no

Unknown number: Fuck

Unknown number: I didn't mean it like that 

Unknown number: I mean u look cuter than usual today 

Unknown number: Not that ur not cute every day 

Ella smiled.

Ella: who is this?

Unknown number: Look up babe

She looked around the room, pointedly ignoring Luke, until she caught Lewis turned around, looking at her with a smile on his face.

She saved his number as "basketball lewis".

She heard the chair beside her scrape back and she looked up to find Luke sitting there looking at her intensely.

"Who're you texting?" He said.

"None of your business, Skylar." She smirked at him.

He gave her a deadpanned look. 

"Let's get out of here." He said.

"We have detention dumbass."

He gestured to the teacher at the front, who had his head down and was fast asleep on the desk.

"What if he wakes up and we're not here?" She didn't like being in trouble.

"I'll tell him you fainted and I had to take you to the hospital or some shit, come on Bennett."

She shrugged and put away her sketchbook. "If anyone fainted, it was you, Luke." 

They left the class, softly shutting the door behind them. Ella waved at Lewis through the little window, and Luke scowled at her.

 "I'll give you a ride home then come back to try catch a couple of minutes of practice. Coach almost busted my balls when he found out I had detention." He said. She snorted.

They stopped at Ella's locker so she could get some things. She grabbed her strawberry lip balm and dabbed some on before she shut her locker. She looked up to find Luke staring at her.

"What?" She was getting insecure under his gaze.

"Nothing." He said. "It's just hard not to look at something so fucking beautiful." He shrugged as if this was a normal thing to say. She could feel the blood rushing to her face and she didn't know what to say.

"Uhh, thanks." 

He gave her a sideways glance and smiled.

She followed him to his car and even after he had dropped her off and said goodbye, she couldn't stop the tingly feeling that was in her stomach. 

Or her slightly clammy hands. 

Or her fast beating heart. 

There was no way a simple compliment from a guy could do this much to Ella. Maybe she was just getting a cold? Or a fever? Yeah. That's probably it.

chapter 9 soon

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