Chapter 22

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Amara's POV

"There's no going around it, Amara,"

"But dad, you can't do this," I plead. "There's got to be another way-"

"No! there is no other option. We must go to war to save humanity before they get too strong to over power us. I've already called the emergency pack meeting, they will arrive shortly"

"Haven't you learned from the human's mistakes that war is never a good idea?"

"It resolves conflict when words just aren't enough. The humans are still here, aren't they?"

Its been three days since Aaron and I returned, and my father wants to start a war between the vampires and us. Apparently our mission was a failure because despite gathering valuable information, we didn't get the vampires to stop killing. What did he expect to happen, for them to just listen to us and be like 'oh you're right, killing humans is mean! I'll stop now,'

I storm out, knowing it would be pointless to continue arguing.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Aaron comes up behind me, snaking his hands around my waist. I've calmed down a bit, but I'm still mad.

"Let's see... we are still going to war, I'm not allowed in the emergency pack meeting even though you are, and humans are still dying by the second."

"If only your dad knew he wouldn't win," Aaron sighs.

I turn around. "There's five werewolf packs, and one small vampire... pack. We would win, but that's not the point-"

"You shouldn't underestimate the vampire Queen," he warns.

"Are you defending her?" I snap.

"No, just stating the truth," he looks confused, and almost hurt. I feel guilty immediately.

"Hey, I'm sorry, there's just a lot going on right now. I'll be in my room." I walk away from him, into my room. I need to breathe.

You're just one person, Amara, you can't save everyone.

Aaron's POV

I'm walking to the council room, where apparently all the alphas from the packs are meeting up. I need to go because of my vampire insight, otherwise this is a very private meeting.

"Hey, Aaron!" Miles jogs up to me. I really don't like Miles much anymore, knowing he likes Amara, and hates me, but I don't tell him this.

"What is it?" I ask

"Some vampire came here, said he was delivering a message. He only wants to speak with you," he said.


"How would I know? Just come with me."

I follow him outside to where Alpha Kwan and some other werewolves are surrounding someone. As I get closer I realize it's Troy.

"hey, everythig okay?" I ask, looking between them.

"He says he has a message for you," Alpha Kwan says, repeating what Miles already told me earlier.

"Can we talk... privately?" Troy asks.

"No," Alpha Kwan says sternly.

"It's okay, I know him. He won't do anything," I say.

"Fine. 10 minutes," he pushes Troy towards me, and Troy glares at him.

We walk into the forest a bit, and then stop.

"I bring you a message from my Queen," he starts. He then takes a paper out of his pocket, and clears his throat before reading, "Aaron. I have decided to give you a second chance. You and Amara may join us, and will be treated as valued members of my soon to be kingdom. If you do not comply, I will no longer be responsible for any tragedies that may fall upon you. The werewolves are going down, and I don't want you falling down with them. Choose wisely.

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