Chapter 4

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Aaron's POV

I wake up to a punch in my arm and am face to face with Alpha Kwan.

"Wakey wakey sleeping beauty," he says in a mocking voice.

"Time for interrogation!" I look over and Lilith is sitting up looking straight ahead, and Grayson is sipping water. I feel a bit light headed, and I can't tell if Lilith does too. Or maybe she had some of Grayson's blood without me noticing.

"What do you want to know?" Lilith asks in an authoritative tone.

"Let's start simple. Where are you from?"

"Underground," she replies.

"Explain that a bit more...." he narrows his eyes.

So she does. She explains that after the humans attacked, they took shelter underground and stayed in an underground city until the storm- which he told us that the storm hit them as well, and caused damage in their pack- and that we evacuated to come here.

"Interesting," he says. "It would be a shame to kill off a whole species," he thinks aloud.

"We did nothing to your kind," Lilith says coldly. "Let us go in peace, and we will never cross paths again."

"I don't think so. I mean, don't worry. I'll keep a few of your vampires, to learn more about them and such. But I can't have you ordering them around, setting an example for them to follow." He smirks.

"You can't kill me," Lilith says confidently.

"Oh but I can," Alpha Kwan takes an Obsidian blade out from his pocket.  "But first I'll kill your friends, just because I don't like you." He then walks towards me.

"Hey, pal. Ready to die?" He smirks. I'd say he is psychotic, but I don't think he is. Just vengeful. Cruel. Like Lilith used to be. Still is, in a way.

"Yes," I say.

He gives me a puzzled expression. "What?"

"Kill me, I don't give a fuck anymore," I say plainly.

"I think you broke Aaron, Lilith," Grayson whispers to her.

"Aaron, don't be like that. I'm sorry about your sister," Lillith says, and I can hear the emotion in her voice. 

"Your only saying that because I'm an inch away from death," I say. And technically I'm not because Alpha Kwan isn't too close to me yet. But his blade is angled directly at my heart. 

And to be honest, although I don't care if I die, it's not like I want to. My life sucks, but it's my life, and I want to be around to honor Avianna's death, and make sure she is remembered. It's just that if I do die, I'm not missing out on any happy life memories since everything I had to live for is dead. 

"Well then since you don't care, I'll kill the human first," he shrugs. 

"No!" Lilith screeches. 

"I'm not a vampire, so what do you have against me?" Grayson asks him.

"You're annoying, and Lilith likes you and I want her to go through pain." he says simply. 

Not gonna lie, I agreed with everything he just said. 

"Kill me," Lilith starts. "but leave them alone," 

At that moment she seems so much like her father, William. He also offered his life to the humans in exchange for everyone else. The humans killed everyone anyway, those ruthless bastards.

Okay I am very upset with Lilith right now, but she still has a place in my heart, and I don't want her to die. I wouldn't mind her going through emotional pain but not death. 

"Why do you hate us so much? Are you afraid of us? Afraid, of how we may have evolved over the years and how strong we have gotten?" As soon as I raised my voice, I got dizzy and had to lay back again. 

He growls and turns to me, and pulls the blade back, about to stab me in the neck. I close my eyes, accepting my inevitable fate. Goodbye, Lilith.  

Hello, Avianna. 

"No, don't-" Lilith raises her voice, but before I feel the blade against my skin-

"STOP" screeches another voice. I open my eyes, and everyone turns to Amara, who is holding her dad's arm back with a panicked expression. 

"Amara. Go to your room, you have no business here," Alpha Kwan says sternly.

"Yes I do, you were going to kill him."

"He is a vampire, you know that vampires and werewolves are sworn enemies."

"You just want to show the other packs how powerful you are by killing all these vampires," she says.

"Amara, go." 

"No." she stands her ground.

"Amara, don't start being rebellious now, you listen to what I say."

"NO." she tries grabbing the blade, but her dad, who is way stronger, simply holds it in the air where she can not reach it. 

"Why, Amara? Because everyone is equal, and no one should be killed without reason?" he mocks. "Tell me one good reason why I should not kill this vampire."

We all stare at her as she puts her hands at her sides, and takes a deep breath.Calmly, she speaks.

"Because he is my mate."


Ok I mean you already saw this coming cuz of the book description and the foreshadowing, but it's still a cool chapter ending. This chapter isn't as long as most, but I didn't want to add anything else to it.


Werewolf HierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora