Chapter 14

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Amara's POV

"Every. Single. Part." I those last three words with a soft, confident tone. 

And he leaned towards me, slowly, and I knew what was going to happen next, it's what I had been itching for this whole time. Aaron kissed me. 

His lips brush against mine, ever so softly, and pulls away. No come back!

"How about," he gives me a real smile, "We both give each other a chance." 

"I'd like that," I say, and I pull him in for a hug. His arms wrap around me, and I feel so safe and protected. 

"Now Its getting late, I should head off to bed. Get ready, because tomorrow is going to be the best day ever. I'll show you all the cool inventions, we can binge watch on Netflix, take pictures, I'll show you to the pack, everything!" I exclaim. 

He smiles. "I'd like that," 


Aaron's POV

I feel like my life has a purpose again. Everything is going great, And I am excited to see what Amara has planned for me tomorrow. I'm not sure what a Netflix is, but I am interested to see how evolved life has become. What year is it, 2016? 2017? I'm pretty sure it must be 2017 now, but I'd have to check. 

I lie in bed, but obviously I can't sleep. I don't need to, and I don't want to forget. I decide to look out the window. After a bit, I decide to wonde around the house, careful not to wake anyone. 

I go downstairs and see the living room, that we had been in when I first arrived. The front door, that I could easily escape from if I needed to. Which I won't there's also a dining room, which has a large table, modern, I guess is the word for this, but I call it futuristic looking. This is more like a mansion, because there is so many rooms and spaces I could explore. I'm not going to snoop around too much, though. 

I reach the kitchen, and look at the high-tech gadgets that have buttons and things. 

I hear a gasp behind me and see a little girl. I believe I saw her when we first walked in the door, she must be Amara's sister. 

"Are you a burglar?" she whispers. 

"No," I say, with the same low voice. 

"Are you a murderer?"  she sidesteps, and I see that she is now next to a knife holder. How convenient, but honestly if I was a murderer it wouldn't matter because I could kill her with ease. But I am not going to. 

"No, I am Amara's friend. I'm staying with you guys," I say. I am not good at talking to children, not like Avianna was. 

"Daddy said you are dangerous," she says, looking at me closer. She must remember me from our encounter. 

"I'm not dangerous, just different," I respond. I lean against the counter. 

"How different?" She asks and then yawns. I look at a screen that says the time. Not a clock, but it is on one of the gadgets. It's 3 in the morning.

"Why are you awake?" I ask. 

"I was thirsty," she replies. 

"I'm thirsty too, but I'm not gonna be able to have a drink for a while." I wonder if she knows I'm a vampire. I watch to see how she reacts, but she doesn't seem weirded out or affected in any way. 

But instead of responding, she goes into a fridge. it lights up, contrasting to the darkness around us, and she takes something out. 

Two bottles of water. She hands me one. "There. Now we both won't be thirsty!" she smiles up at me. Her smile looks a lot like Amara's, and I can see the resemblance. 

I decide not to correct her and smile. "You should go back to bed," I say. 

"I know. See you tomorrow, mister!" She then turns around, carrying her water bottle, and I can hear her steps going up the stairs. 

I look at the cold bottle in my hands. She has a kind heart, like Amara. Hopefully, she finds a good mate that doesn't need fixing like I do. 

I open the fridge and put the water back, and my eyes land on some raw meat in a container. There's blood around it. Should I? No. It's probably Alpha Kwans, and I don't want to be murdered if he finds out. So instead I make my way upstairs, slowly, and go back inside my room. 

I stare out the window for some time, and it's right before dawn when I see a figure walk out of the forest. I squint. That looks like Will, one of the guards in subterranean. I watch as he stops and looks up at the house. I wave, and he sees me. I'm not sure why he is here but I run downstairs and go outside to meet him. 

"You need to come," he says. 

"Why?" I ask. 

"Just hurry, let's go!" he looks behind him. His clothes are a mess. 

"No." I refuse. I'm not leaving Amara. "I am happy where I am." 

"Come on, Aaron. We're like brothers, don't you trust me?" 

"You have nothing to give me. I am happy here, sorry." 

He shrugs and uses vampire speed to run back into the forest. I wonder why he hadn't been captured. 

I decide to go back inside, and I wait in my room until Amara knocks on the door. 

"Goodmorning!" she says. She is already dressed, and her damp hair tells me she had a shower. 

"What time is it?" I ask. 

"9:30, why? Did I wake you up?" she asks, concerned. 

"No, I was already awake," I don't say that I never slept, because then she would wonder what I did, and for some reason I don't want her to know I spoke with Will. 

"Great! I need to have breakfast first, so you can come downstairs with me if you want," 

I nod, and we go down the stairs into the kitchen. It's lighter now. 

She takes a box and bowl out, and pours some cereal. Corn Pops is whats on the front of the box. Then she adds milk and goes to sit down at the table. 

I watch her as she eats, and in between bites she tells me about the day she has planned for us. I like seeing her so excited, and I don't worry about Will. I want to forget my past life. 

Once she is done, she puts the bowl away and is about to lead me upstairs for "Binge-watching Netflix" when the door slams open. 

"What...?" Amara's puzzled expression probably mirrors mine as Alpha Kwan rams through the door, his face swelling with anger, when he spots us. 

"They escaped," he growls, his werewolf canine teeth flashing. 

"Who?" Amara still looks confused, and she puts her hand on mine.

"The vampires. Aaron your Queen is gone, and she is mad,"

Its Friday the 13th! Woooooo


Werewolf HierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora