Chapter Four

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Do you know how fucking hard it is to sleep with four people in one room? My bedroom window is open but like there is any fucking wind at all, fuck summer really pisses me off. I chuck my sheets off cursing in utter annoyance looking at Theo lying next to me on my two pillows I don't really use, I have a double bed you see.

I crawl slowly around him avoiding his leg at all costs. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't mind sleeping with James, he is my best friend believe it not for fuck sake but this guy? The guy who still hasn't washed? Christ I'm going to have to wash my bed clothes and myself and the smell, it still probably linger for weeks, seriously why the fuck did I agree to this shit?

Ah yes, Olivia. I walk over her, her lying on the hard ground with James face buried nearly into her back. James probably hates me right now, making him sleep on the floor but when Olivia showed me her puppy eyes, oh what the fuck am I kidding. She just somehow got around me, twice in one night.

Don't know what has come over me. I go over to my window, sitting on my window seat and looking out onto the dark, slightly lit street, silence lingering, no sound. Not even one car engine piecing the silence.

I would say I enjoyed the fresh air, but I tell you didn't help, It feels even more muggy out there then in here. "Can't sleep?" a voice boomed over me.

I jumped hitting my hand on the side of my window that hung half open. I curse in anger before finding Olivia standing right behind me smiling, no wait more like smirking. Wait, hold on she is laughing at me, how dare she.

"Think that was funny do ya? Creeping up on someone? Why the fuck you staring? Go back to sleep," I say through greeted teeth.

"I can't sleep," she sighed as she planted her ass right next to me, being so close to her made me feel even more pissed off but she didn't seem to care.

"Why can't you sleep?" I asked, no idea why I'm even interested.

"I'm worried about Theo and some other stuff, you?"

"Too hot, too many people in my room. I'm screwed if my parents for some reason come in here suddenly but here I am risking my own bollocks for two strangers...wait two idiot, useless, strange criminals walking through my back door expecting medical treatment, food, a shower a place to stay, ha now do you think I got DICK HEAD written across my forehead?" I ask her.

"Vaughn right? How old are you?" she asks staring.

"Does that really matter," I utter to her in a whisper staring out the window now and not at her. She seems to make me feel weird, don't know why.

"Please I need someone to talk to, to calm down," she whispers.

"I'm seventeen alright? Now can you leave me alone?" I beg.

"No, I'm fourteen believe it or not that is your choice. Look, I know this isn't a great situation but...Wait hold on a minute mate. Theo and I aren't criminals anything but that. Take it back," she says biting her lip.

"What if I don't hey?" I smirk at her evilly, me biting my lip to tease her.

She grabs onto my collar which I grab and swing away, "You touch me again, I swear next time I'll chop your fingers off alright? I don't take shit, not even from you but alright I take it back I'm sorry but what am I meant to think," I say annoyed.

"Your very violent and I can't say your just mouth because your not are you?" she asks.

"No I'm not," I laugh. I look at her and laugh again, "You smarter then you look."

"Theo and I. You might as well know, not like it bloody matters. Theo is my twin brother, I'm the oldest by two minutes. I'll protect him with my life. He'll always be more important to me, then anyone else in the whole world. I'm protecting him, Vaughn that is all you need to know. I need to know I can have your word, if anyone ever asks like you said nothing happened. This didn't happen," she says softly.

I look at Olivia, at the sorrow, pain and worry in her eyes and look over at Theo sound a sleep, "I'll do my best, I'm pretty good at lying when I want too. Now go back to sleep, Olivia you will need it," I say to her.

"I know and Vaughn," she trails off before she continues, "Thanks."

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