Chapter 1

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*Rumble rumble* Oh sorry that's my tummy, rumbling badly for food. In the same time, I was just waiting for my mum to get some food for us. And my dad... I'm not really sure where he is, but maybe he is going out to find a job and couldn't come back from there because it's late. So he sleeps there, or something. Well that's what my mum said.

But I really don't think that's the case, because my 'angel' side says. That Dad goes out really late, just to find money for us, and leaves me and mum back here because he really love us. That's what I think he feels. I want him to come home too. In the other side of my head that's the devil, just says it's for my own good, and abandoned mum and I. 

Still I'm just alone at home waiting for mum for a very long time. This is the longest Mum ever finds food. Usually she comes around 2-3 hours with her bags of food. I know you're thinking that's so long but now I'm waiting for my mum more than 2-3 hours. It's about 5 hours or more, now. Just waiting for food...

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