Drunken kiss

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Lisa arrived in her apartment and used up all her strenght to make the drunk girl sit so that she could piggy back her all the way inside her apartment.

Once she got the drunk girl to sit up, Lisa grabbed the girl's arms and placed it around her neck then carried her all the way to her apartment which is located on the third floor. Lisa was surprised by the weight of the girl. She wasn't heavy at all.

"I wonnarw pwuke." The drunk girl mumbled. Lisa did not want her apartment to smell like puke so she quickly opened the door to her apartment and headed straight to the bathroom where the drunk girl puked all of her gut out in the toilet.


Once Lisa knew she was done she helped the drunk girl gurgle some water and some mouth wash then directed her towards her bedroom.

So that the drunk girl would be able to sleep comfortably, Lisa got the girl laid in her bed and removed the drunk girl's shoes. Putting her shoes beside the bed. Lisa sat on the side part of the bed, beside Jennie. Lisa then removed her cap and sunglasses.

Lisa was in utter shock when she saw that the drunken girl she took in was Jennie Kim.
But she just can't wrap her mind around it.

Oh, made sense. Maybe that's why she was wearing this sun glasses inside a dark club. It was for disguise.

But why would she go in the club alone anyway? I mean she has Irene, Seulgi and Rosè to accompa-

Lisa's thoughts were cut off when she felt two arms encircling around her neck, pulling her to an embrace, and before she knew it, Jennie's lips were touching hers.

Lisa was in shock, her eyes wide as saucers. She was frozen in her place.

Jennie kept on moving her lips even if she's not getting any response. All she knows is that the lips she's kissing tasted like honey, which is her favorite. Using her tongue, she licked Lisa's bottom lip, but got no response since Lisa was still in shock.

Jennie's hands then went to Lisa's head playing with her hair.

Lisa's head was in daze, she loved it when her hair is being played like this. Before Lisa knew it, she was already cupping Jennie's face and responding to her hungry kisses.

When Jennie felt the lips move against her with the same roughness, she smiled to the kiss and slowly laid her own back to the bed, dragging the girl she was kissing above her.

Lisa who was positioned at the top of Jennie, moved her lips to plant kisses on Jennie's chin down to her neck.

Jennie moaned at the contact.

Lisa was cut off of her daze upon hearing the moan. She stopped what she was doing and backed away from Jennie who was still craving for Lisa's honey-tasting lips.

Oh shit. What have I done?!

Lisa went to the living room to sleep but sleep never came to her even for a minute.

She tried to forget what just happened awhile ago but she couldn't.

She clearly remembers how their lips moved in synch with one another. How their bodies naturally moved in rhythm.

Urrghh! Why did my body even respond to her kiss?

Lisa doesn't know if she would be able to face Jennie without thinking of the steamy kiss they shared ever again.


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