Chapter Six: Redcoats In a Tavern

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"So, will you give me the job?" 

I was in a tavern that redcoats often came to. My mission was to get hired and get close to any redcoat and squeeze information right out of them. Figuratively, of course. Right now I was speaking to the tavern's owner, John Woodsworth, about hiring me. He was hesitant to the idea at first, but soon started to warm up to it. I was now awaiting his answer to my previous question. 

"Er, I guess." Woodsworth said, scratching the back of his head. "But if any suspicion arises from this spying of yours, you're out of here. You hear? I won't have any spy wreck my tavern." 

"You got it," I said with a grin on my face. 

"You start tomorrow morning at 7:00. Be there." 

"And what about attire?" 

"Something farmer girls usually wear." He said, glancing down at my militia outfit.

"Alright. Will do. Good day, Woodsworth!" 

-Time skip to tomorrow morning-

I stepped through the kitchen door and was met by Woodsworth. He was there, cutting cabbage. I cleared my throat. "What's my orders?" 

Woodsworth looked at me and said, "gather orders. You are a waitress." Woodsworth beckoned one of the waitress girls over. "This is Amelia Williams, she will help you along your way. Any questions go to her. Your job begins now." 

Amelia walked over to me. 

Amelia had red, wavy hair and green eyes. She spoke with a Scottish accent. "Hello, new girl. As Woodsworth said, you will be gathering orders from our customers. He has told me of your mission and I will keep it a secret. Only he and I know of your mission. Now, this may seem out-of-place, but to get the information you seek, you might have to be seductive. Redcoats love that. Especially those who are stressed." 

I was taken back from my what she said, but understood. "Of course, Amelia." 

"Good. Let's go, shall we?" 

I nodded and we opened the kitchen door finding fifteen customers already seated and some have been taken care of. I did my own share of customers and reported it back to the chef before the door opened and redcoats stepped inside. Amelia looked at me and nodded. Time to do my mission.

"How can I serve you today, soldiers?" I said looking at the one who was most nervous. 

One of them gave me their orders and I walked back to the chef, then I walked back. "Your food will be coming shortly. But as we await for your food, what about telling me some war stories! I love war stories!" I invited myself into the nervous redcoat's booth and made him slide over.

"What's your name soldier?" I said, winking. 

"Uh..Private Jacob Collins, madam." 

"Nice to meet you, Private. Can you tell me some war stories?" I gave him a smile and batted my eyes. 

Private Collins' eyes widened. He stuttered as he spoke, "u-uh sure. I g-g-guess." 

"Perfect. Then you won't mind me sitting here for a few, right? My co-worker Amelia will be bringing up the food." 

"No. I don't mind, madam. I don't know what of my unit here, though." Private Collins said. 

The officer across from me was listening to our conversation and spoke, "we don't mind. We can chime in the war stories if you wish so, madam. It would be a pleasure to entertain a woman with stories." 

I smiled. "That would be very nice, um.." I drawled, trying to figure out his name.

"Lieutenant Collins. Lieutenant George Collins, madam. Private and I are brothers. I've been in the military longer than my baby brother here." Lieutenant Collins introduced himself. 

"Please do call me Almyra. Madam makes me feel...old." I said.

Private Collins cleared his throat. "Of course, Almyra. Shall we get to these war stories?" 

"Right, of course." Lieutenant Collins said. 

And there I was, listening to the information they gave me. I laughed at some stories and frowned at others. I also managed to squeeze some information that's coming up in the British plans. I learned they were hosting a ball at the Middleton Place and there would be a ship carrying loads of cargo. 

In the carriages we managed to capture from our ambush, we found gunpowder. Gunpowder can be used for explosives. The ship at the Middleton Place hatched an idea.

Sooner than later, Amelia came up to our table and began to lay out their food onto their table. "I best be going back to work, officers." I said. "Farewell."

"And shall we meet again, Almyra," Private Collins said, taking my hand to his lips. 

"Shall we, yes." When we're independent, I added in my mind. 

I rose from my seat and walked back to the kitchen. I was met by Wordsworth. "I trust they did not know you are a rebel?" Woodsworth said. 

"No, sir. They thought of me to be a loyalist. No suspicion arose." I responded. 

"Good. Now get back to work." 

-Time skip to end of workday-

"I'm glad you managed to keep yourself hidden." Amelia said. 

"Yes, we must all keep ourselves hidden in times like these. Loyalties are dangerous. But more dangerous when you hold your loyalty to a tyrant." I said walking with her to our horses. 

"That is true," Amelia said. "How come you don't ride side-saddle?"

"It's uncomfortable. Plus, I am independent. Just because we're women it doesn't mean we can't do stuff the manly way." I replied. "We all must find a way to ensure we can prove ourselves, one way or another." 

I mounted my horse. "I will see you tomorrow morning." With that I galloped off onto the dirt road. 

AN: this was a short chapter than all of the others, for that I'm sorry. I just wanted to do a quick filler before things get more intense. If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment! If you like any of my chapters, go vote and comment on those also! I appreciate feedback! Have a good day!

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