"Absolutely not I'm not made of cash, get your own" Zay says and turns on his heel.

Their bickering makes everything feel refreshingly normal. All of us except Smackle, who already had a cookie, buy some food and we go back to the normal order of things.

Zay steals a piece of Farkle's croissant when he isn't looking, Lucas is playfully bragging about how many people he got to sign his yearbook by the end of finals, and Smackle is glaring at Farkle for teasing her about already starting her summer homework.

I'm sure everyone wants to brush this under the carpet and move on with their lives. And I couldn't agree more.


Riley's POV

"Did you just blue shell me?!?" Maya yells as she watches her character drop down to 4th place.

"Yep, sucks for you" I reply back smiling happily from 3rd.

"Your success, as amusing as it is, will not last" she says determinedly.

"We'll see about that" I tell her and turn the corner for the final lap. She nudges me in the side and I almost crash into the wall.

"Interference!" I yell and she just shrugs innocently.

Suddenly my car is hit by a banana peel thrown by no other than Maya herself as she speeds by.

"You can't just...I can't believe you!" I exclaim watching Maya pass me and somehow speed her way to first.

"What's that? I can't hear you from the top of the board" she sing songs.

"Now I'm in 5th" I reply bitterly.

"Told you it wouldn't last sweetheart" she says, smirking, which only makes me more distracted and I end up finishing in 6th.

"Fine, congratulations you've beaten me again" I surrender, and roll my eyes when she stands up and bows.

"You have to accept that Mario Kart just isn't your speciality Riles" she says.

"Girls?" Topanga's voice calls from the hallway.

"In the living room" Maya shouts back.

Topanga walks over to us on the couch, clad in a fancy red dress and fixing her hair.

"Oooh mom what's the occasion?"

"Your father and I are going out to dinner tonight. I mentioned it last night but we'll be gone until maybe eleven. As you know, Auggie is over at Dewey's house and I trust you two can take care of each other" she says.

"Of course we can" Maya offers a lopsided grin and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"Alright, Riley a big storm is supposed to roll in within the next two hours so Maya can sleep over if the weather is too bad" she tells us as Cory emerges and wraps his arm around her waist.

"Yeah the weather is supposed to be horrible you should stay inside, especially you Ms. Hart" he says and makes an 'I'm watching you' gesture.

She only offers an exaggerated thumbs up as we watch my parents grab umbrellas and wave until they're out the door.

"So how about a movie and popcorn?" Maya excitedly leaps up.

"Sounds good but you're making the popcorn" I respond as I unplug the game controllers.

She complains enough that we settle on a game of Rock Paper Scissors for it and I lose, as usual. She runs off to my room while I put the bag in the microwave and wait.

Longing Hearts [Rilaya]Where stories live. Discover now