"Stop screaming, Millie! It's actually weird." I said emberassed.

"You just told me you are dating Johnny Orlando aka one of Jacob's best friends, and with that an ex-player or bad boy, name it whatever you want." she said.

I rolled my eyes at her reaction. "Mills he doesn't cheat on me and he has nothing more of a player..."

"...but? What is it Kenz?" Millie asked.

"I mean, there's just one thing in wich he is still kind of a player." I said and bit my lip.

She moved a little closer to me and whispered. "No, don't tell me- You wouldn't do that, or would you? No, never- I don't belive this. Don't tell me-"

"Oh Millie shut the fuck up! Just tell me what you think or want to know." I yelled.

"Okay, but you better not tell me you let this guy fuck you." she looked at me.

I had to look away. "Well, actually... that's pretty much what it is."

"OH MY GOSH! Why him?" Millie whispered loud.
"Damn, because I love him and he loves me." I answered.

She smiled. "Okay, I'm calm and I'm not mad. But, one question... how many times?"

"Five times until now. The last time was this morning." I giggled.

Millie didn't say anything, she just giggled with me until we lay on the floor.

Since we realized that everyone was staring at us, we stopped laughing and immetadly got up from the floor. Then we made our way to the bar, to grab us some drinks. We took the plastic cups and filled it with something we had never heard about. But it tasted good so we did not care about what it was. We just stood there for a while, drinking and talking about random stuff. Wo got more drinks and by the time we giggled about everything, even if it wasn't that funny. When we got bored, Millie and I went to the dance floor and danced to the music. I wondered where the boys went , but Millie and I had so much fun that we totally forgot about them.

When we were on our way to grab some new drinks, my vision was a little bit blurry and I bumped into a guy with dark brown hair. His eyes meet mine and for a second they reminded me of someone but I didn't know of who.

"Oh, I'm sorry... are you okay?" I asked him.

"I actually never felt better than now." he said and stared at me.

I took a step back. "Okay then... bye?"

"Oh, no. I didn't mean to scare you, although this was really weird, um... I'm Brandon." he introduced himself to me.

"I'm Mackenzie and this is my friend Millie." I said pointing to Millie.

She saw me and came back with some drinks. "Here you got, one for you and for me."

"Aww thank you Mills, look, this is Brandon." I took the drink and pointed to Brandon.

"Hey Brandon, I'm Millie Bobby Brown but you can call me Millie." she said.

He nodded. "Nice to meet you Millie, you are Jacob's girlfriend, right?"

"Yes, that's right. I'm his girlfriend." Millie said.

"Okay, it was nice talking to you, but I got to go, meet Mark, see ya around?" he asked.

"Probably." I said.

"Bye Brandon." Millie said as he walked away.

We got another drink for each one of us and went to the dance floor again.mWe danced with a group of random people we didn't even know, but come on, this was a party and at partys you can have fun. Millie told me she needed to go to the bathroom so I should wait here for her. I decided to go on dancing with those people until, suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I thought it was Mills so I pulled her into a hug, but I realized it wasn't her.

"Whow, how are you?" he asked. I felt his hands around my waist and I felt uncomfortable.

"I'm good but-"

"-but you are drunk, I know." he finished my sentence.

"No, I wanted to say that I'm good but I feel-" I said but I got cut off by him.

"I knew you would feel comfortable with being so close to me." he said with a smirk.

"No, umm... Jacob I'm drunk, please bring me to Johnny." I said to get out of this really uncomfortable situation.

He rolled his eyes and he held me even tighter. "He's not here Mackenzie, but I'm here, I'm so close and we could make that even more close."

Oh, no

My heart dropped. "Uhmm... I think that's not a good idea. I'm really drunk and I feel like I have to throw up."

And that was the truth, I really felt like I had to throw up.

"What a bad excuse, I do not believe you a single word, Mackenzie." he pressed me against himself.

"Okay, that's enough Jacob, let me go, NOW." I said through gritted teeth.

I tried to push him away but his grip got rougher. I tried it even harder but it did not work. Where the hell was Johnny? I rammed my elbow into Jacob's chest, but that did not help either. In return, he only pressed me tighter to him. The feeling of having to throw up was only reinforced by this. And suddenly everything came out.

All the alcohol from the evening, everything that was in my stomach, now graced Jacob.

Oh shit that can't be true.
I puked all over Jacob Sartorious.


cash me auside howboudat!


Oh my god! Thank ya'll so much for 10k readers
and even more thank you, to all the people who left all
those sweet comments under my last chapter.
All this positivity helps me to write better chapters for you,
It makes more fun.

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