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"Do you just like me just because of my body or do you like me as the person I am?"

Mackenzie's question got into my bones. Did she really think that I just hang out with her because of her body? I guess she thinks this.

My voice was broken and quiet. "I don't like you Mackenzie. I love you." I said.

"What did you say? Johnny?" her eyes on me.

I spoke again. "I said, I don't like you Mackenzie. I love you."

"You really do? Are you sure what you just feel is love, Johnny?" she asked.

I nodded. "I've never felt this before. It's new to me but I know it's love. And this love goes all to you. When you are there everything in me screams after you."She looked at me with big eyes.

"I guess I should tell you something, Johnny.
I think I love you too."

"You really do? No, why should you love me. I'm just a player who gets in bed with every girl. I'm not good for you, Kenzie." I respondet.

She shook her head. "No Johnny, you are good for me. You make me feeling alive in a world of colours and sunshine. You let me come out from behind of my nerdy glasses. Let me prove it to you okay?"

"And how do you want to proof me that, and by the way you don't have to proof it." I said.

She shook her head and thought.

"Okay. I have an idea. I'll show that to you in school. I'll not longer acting like the shy and nerdy girl and become the person who I really am. " she told me.

I sighed. "Good we can do that, but it's late now, let's go home."

"Okay let's go to yours. I don't give a fuck if Lauren doesn2t want us together." she said.

I grinned. "Same."

We took our stuff and went out of ALDC and down the streets. At the parc we saw a man who sold ice and we got one. I just looked at Mackenzie and she looked at me. We knew the other one wanted an ice so we ran to the man.

"Ah hello young lady and young man. Do you want an ice?" the man asked.
"Ouh, yes!!! I want two flavours. Ummm... strawberry and mint please." Kenzie said.
The man gave her the ice. "Here you got young, beautiful lady."
Kenzie laughed. "Oh please do not make him competitor." She pointed at me.
"Oh is this date you little love birds?" he asked and we both blushed a little.
It was my turn. "I would like to have ummm... smurf ice and yoghurt-cherry please.
The man nodded. "Here you got young man. Have a nice day you both."

Then we went away and finally arrived at my house. Immediately Lauren started to yell at me. She wasn't in front of me so she couldn't see that Mackenzie was with me.

"JOHNNY!!! What did you just do! You son of a bitch! I said stay away from Kenz and don't touch her! And what did you? You went home with her after I caught you both at making out! Seriously?! It was way too obviously!" she yelled on her way downstairs.

I fired back. "One more time Lauren it's not your choise what Mackenzie and I are doing. It's out of your business and guess what!? I don't give a fuck on your opinion! I'm not interested if you like me to be with Kenz or not because you can't control it! And one more thing, I'm very proud of! She loves me! She loves me, Lauren!!!
Did you the hell hear that? Mackenzie loves me!"

Then Lauren stepped in front of me, ready to scream at me again. But then she noticed Kenz right behind me and her eyes widened slowly.

"Oh... Mackenzie. Did you hear our conversation?" Lauren asked.

Kenzie rolled her eyes. "Of course I did. You were so loud Lauren, everyone heard it."

"Look, Lauren. Kenzie is already here. Go and ask her about what I told you." I said.

Lauren looked down but she did how she was told. "Kenzie, do you love Johnny?"

"It's not your business but, yes. I do." she said.

Lauren flinched. "And did you both have sex at Mackenzie's house?"

I laughed and Kenzie too. "Oh Lauren we had sex the night before the morning you caught us in Johnny's bed. It was amazing."

"Ugh. I don't want to know that!!!" Lauren said horrified.

"Then do not ask for it Lauren!" Kenzie yelled.

Lauren just looked back to her feets and went away. Then Mackenzie and I went upstairs in my bedroom and sat on the bed. It sank down. We stepped away from the bed and I lifted the matrace up.

"Oh, fuck!!!" I said louder than I wanted.
"What? What is it Johnny?" Mackenzie asked me.
I poited under the matrace. "Take a look. We broke my bed."
She looked confused. "And when did we do that? And how, we are not that strong."
"I know. It happened in the night before the morning, Lauren caught us in my bed."
I said quickly and took some fast-second-glue.

I put the glue on the broken spot of my bed and we let the matrace down.
For the rest of the day we watched a bunch of episodes from 'Game of thrones.'
Then I got a text from Jayden who loves my friend Connor, also a player. She is one of the famous bitches at school. We had sex a several times before I meet Kenz.
I don't regret it.


Johnny boy,
help me!😭

With what?

With getting Connor.
Does he likes me?🙃

I'm pretty sure he does.🙄

Aww thank you Johnny.
Did he speak about me?

He talked a lot about you!🤗

I'm so happy right now.
You made my day!🤗

Nope he will make your day.
He will be at yours
in half an hour.

No way!
OMG, thank you
Johnny boy!😍

No problem, Jay Jay.😅

Do you want something
back for giving me these

What kind of?😏

Whatever you want.😚😏

Hell nah, i'm good.

Whatever you say
I have to get ready for

Bye, Have fun together.💙

We will have. Bye Johnny!💙


"Mackenzie. Random question right now. Are you ready?" I asked and she nodded.
"How about..."


no i don't need sleep nuh-uh

our little  secret ➵ jenzie Where stories live. Discover now