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I was wondering.
Mackenzie and dancing. We were about to send messages to each other when she wrote she had dance before she could come to my house. Todaywas the day after this conversation.

It was weekend, finally and it was 11 am.
Today I had singing lessons so I took a long shower and got dressed. I went downstairs and grabbed some pancakes with syrup they tasted so good. Lauren was watching a Vampire Diarise episode when I arrived in the dining room.

I wanted to leave her and wanted to go back into the kitchen but she heard me. And she didn't seem happy about it.

"Johnny!" I rolled my eyes and went back to her.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want that you stay away from Mackenzie." she said.

"And why do you want this? It was a one time thing." I told her.

She smirked. "Don't lie to me brother."

I smirked back. "But sister. I would never lie to you."

"Don't act stupid Johnny. I know she'll be here at 8 pm." she said.

"Yeah Lauren and where is the problem? Huh?" I asked.

"I know you will try to fuck her and I won't let that happen do you understand?" she yelled.

"One more time Lauren. Shut up about this! It's not your bussines. You have no right to decide what I do. And by the way little sister, Mackenzie can make her own choises! Did you understand that?" she tryed to answer me but I didn't let her speak.

"And you know what? If Mackenzie, your best friend, wants me to fuck her then I'm going to do it because she wants it and I have no problem with that! Did you finally get it?" I screamed in her face.

She knew she couldn't answer to this because I was right. Mackenzie can make her own choises and Lauren can't control what Kenzie wants.
It's not her business. She just takes care about her friends. I mean I understand this but come on she is acting like a babysitter.

I went back into the kitchen and put the pancakes back into the fridge. I'm not longer hungry. I texted Carson.


Can u please invite
Lauren to yours?

What happened?

Me: Sibling arguments.

Sorry Bro. I invited her
earlier but she told me she's
going to visit Ruby today so
she has no time for me.

Ugh when will they
meet each other?

At 12. When your
lessons start, get it?

Okay thx bro.

Sure bro,
see you monday.


Okay good Lauren will not be at home and my parents are on a bussines trip in Europe. I took my stuff and put on my coat. I took my keys and went outside. I was on the way to my sing lessons. I arrived and my teacher greeted me. I greeted back and we went in the recording studio "A".

"Ok Johnny. Let's record your own song, you told me about, okay?" he asked.

"Sure bro!" I gave him a thumbs up and started.

"There's something more between us girl
I know you feel it,
I know you dream it,
I know you need it."

"The only time I get to hold you is when you're leaving,
then I can hear it.
I can hear the way you're breathing."

"But now you're gone
when you're gone I see you all the time
on my timeline,
You seem fine without me in your life,
So I let go and and don't let it show
and keep you out my mind
until that night you hit me up,
it happens every time."

"You keep telling me you're thinking about me boo,
you say you miss me just to hear I miss you too.
And the thruth is I think that I got,
to know you better than you've ever wanted me to,
that's why you keep thinking about me,
while I'm thinking about you."

"I've been thinking about you,
you're always on my mind.
And even when I try to keep you out, I can't,
happens every time.
But we're getting closer,
got butterflies inside.
So I can't help but think about you all day all night.

"But now you're gone
when you're gone I see you all the time
on my timeline,
You seem fine without me in your life,
So I let go and and don't let it show
and keep you out my mind
until that night you hit me up,
it happens every time."

"You keep telling me you're thinking about me boo,
you say you miss me just to hear I miss you too.
And the thruth is I think that I got,
to know you better than you've ever wanted me to,
that's why you keep thinking about me,
while I'm thinking about you."

I finished the song and heard clapping hands.
"Oh Johnny that was amazing! Is that the song you told me about?" he asked.

"No it wasn't. I don't know... this song came just out of my mind. I swear." I said.

He thought about it. "What was the 'original' song you told me about?"

"I named the song wich I wanted to perform "The most". But I will name this one as... "Thinking about you". I think it's a good name." I answered.

He nodded. "Okay Johnny I think this song came out of your mouth because you are love sick. So go home and try to find a solution to the problem, okay?"

"Okay." I said. More time to think about the girl wich makes me crazy. Great.

I took my stuff and went outside of the building.
I went through the streets and saw a dance group through a small window. How funny would it be if that was Mackenzie's dance group. I laughed. Never! This is ALDC she probably hasn't enough money for this. I looked through the window and saw a girl from behind. The brown hair fell in waves down her back. While she was dancing a solo she turned around and
I saw her shiny brown eyes.

"What a surprise." I mumbled to myself.

She didn't notice me. I went closer to the window and stared at her. She was amazing, an old woman yelled at her things I couldn't understand. There were a thousands of cameras. She is in the TV. The only thing I could hear was the dance music. It was "Do it, to it" by Cherish.


10:57 pm hElP

our little  secret ➵ jenzie Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat