Chapter 6- Meeting and Awakening

Start from the beginning

Hardly conceivable to the normal ear, a slight groan was mumbled from his sweet cherry lips, that were an enticement in their own right. A moment later he was stirring.

Green eyes flashed open. The best way I could describe the colour would be if of that of the killing curse or emeralds.

Harry POV

Everything seemed so black, so empty, as I drifted further and further away. It was like, I was like I was stuck in a tsunami, being dragged further and further away. Until a light appeared in the distance.

The light seem so far way at first, but slowly it seemed to get closer. Time here had appeared to have stop. It was like everything was timeless. Time just didn't exist.

After what seemed like an eternity the darkwnes had nearly disappeared completely being replaced by a white harsh light. It slowly destroyed any and all darkness.

The light soon became so bright that I had to squeeze my eyes shut to protect myself from the blinding light.

When I finally picked up the courage, I opened my eyes. At first everything was a swirl of light in a bubble of blur, as my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness.

When I could finally notice my surroundings, I noticed that everything was a sharp white, too bright for anyone's eyes.

I also noticed that I seemed to be lying, like dead meat on the floor, and quickly corrected that.

As I stood, the place seemed to spin for a few minutes. I seemed to have lost my sense of orientation.

My surrounding seemed to be in the shape of a train station, the only problem was that it was deserted of any trains. If I and to specific, then I would say it was King cross station to be exact.

Suddenly, like it happened everyday, a swirling mass of swirling black appeared in front of me, form the shape of a black shadow figure, in long black robes.

It was a sight to truly behold. A sight of incredible power. A sight of an unfathomable enemy and untouchable friend. True power lapped around him in layers for all to see, making you feel like a child. Looking at the figure I seemed so insignificant in comparison.

"Child! You should not be here."

Confusion filled me. It wasnt like I asked to be here. I dont even know where here is.

"It is not your time to cross the veil and face judgement yet, my little one." he said in a firm voice that spoke in volumes.

Confusion smeared my face. "I don't understand, were even am I?"

'You are neither dead nor alive, this is the plane between worlds, shown in a form you must understand. This leads to two ways: Back to your world or the next great adventure. Only you can decide your ultimate fate. This is your choice, my child, choice wisely." he answered in a wise all knowing voice.

"it is place that is often described as purgatory but even that is not quite right."

Surely this couldn't be true. After all everyone couldn't be offered this choice, so why me? I was a no-one, who just wanted to be loved a cherished. I was nothing special at all.

"Child, I know what you think, but if you do choose to return to the land of the living, you will be loved like you always wanted. Your mate awaits your return.

A family he will bring you. A family that has been denied from you by others. They we welcome you and the truth and manipulation of that old coot will be could out by them. You will be protected and loved." he whisper in a promise.

"But what if you are wrong, and I have no family, they are all dead. I'm all alone." I helplessly spoke with utter conviction.

Nothing in life is guaranteed. I had learnt that lesson long ago.

"A word of advice, your mortal enemy is not who he seems, you school rival will become your anchor. Not all is as it seems, now go and catch that train little one, go and find what you have always desired." He spoke as an train pulled up any the station.

I had nothing to loose. So why not.

Making a reckless decision, I boarded the train, and made a wish to go home, to find my hearts desires of a family. But not before realising I had forgotten to ask what the mans name was.

A gleeful laughter reached my ears as the train pulled away from the station.

"I am death little one, and you are my adopted child, tell only those you truly trust, and if you need me, you should only ask. However, now is not the time for you to remember everything"

As I started to drift off once more, the last sight was of a tattoo of a triangle, with a a line And a circle in it being imprinted I to my wrist. Most of what I had learnt that night was removed from my mind, till a time when it was needed. However, that did not mean I would not meet deaths again, just until the time was right I would forget what I had learned.

The next thing I saw the familia sliver grey eyes...

A/N- Sorry for the wait, hope this brings a few more mysteries into the mix, and keeps you on edge, thanks to everyone who has read voted and commented. Thanks my Baticorns!

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