"You're in Love with him Asha aren't you?" Rhodey asked me. And I swallowed.

"I love a lot." I said to him.

"But you are IN love with him." He said to me and he looked down at me.

"So it's that nervous feeling whenever I see him or think about him, that lump I feel in my throat, and then every time he smiles I smile, he laughs I laugh?" I asked but already knew the answer and they knew the answer too and they both looked at me.

"Then yes, yes I'm in love with him." I said.

"And it took you two months to finally realize that, from the start I knew this was going to happen." Tony said to me.

"Then why don't you want me to go and stay down there?" I asked him.

He stood up and walked over to fix on of his suits, "Well I don't know maybe it's the fact that I've been with you for so long and I'm the one who brought you here, so maybe you would think about staying kiddo." He said to me.

"See that's just the thing Tony, kids grow up, we leave and you have to trust that we will make our own right decisions for our life, and yes you will forever be apart of me Tony, you saved me when I didn't have anyone anymore, and that of course will never go unnoticed so when ever you need me to help fight a battle for you, I'm willing to lay down my life to protect you, believe that." I said to him. "So I want to be with T'challa and the ones that have became my people in the matter of weeks, please just trust me." I said getting up and looking at Tony.

He hugged me tight and I hugged him back. "I trust you Asha Imani." He said to me. And I smiled at him. "But I don't trust T'Challa." He said.

"Tony stop it." I said to him and he shrugged. " "I think he asked me to marry him." I said, "but then again I was drunk so I don't know if he did or if he didn't, but I'm eighty five percent sure that he asked me though." I said.

"What do you want?" Rhodey asked me.

"I want to be happy, and he makes me the happiest." I said.

"I better get an invite to the wedding." Rhodey said and I laughed at him.

"Duh you will you are my family." I said to him.

"I wonder what they are doing now." I said to them.

"I can hack into Korea's system." Tony said smiling.

"No no don't if they wanted my help they would have requested it. So no don't do it." I said laughing.

Then the doorbell rang and we all went up the elevator. And when we stepped out Tony walked over to the front door to answer it he opened the door and T'challa stood there, and he greeted Tony.  And I ran Tony and stopped and looked at T'challa and he smiled causing my smile to match his.    He picked me up and hugged me.

"I've missed you." He said, and I smiled.

"It's only been two days T'challa." I said and he laughed.

"Two, too many." He said and I laughed at him as he put me down. "But we have to get going because it's urgent to get back to Wakanda." He said to me. And I looked at him puzzled, "You will see when you get on the jet, are you ready." He asked me.

"I have to say my goodbyes first." I said to him, and he nodded in agreement, and I hooked his arm so he could walk with me. "How are you Rhodey?" He asked him. "I'm doing fine T'challa and yourself?" He asked him. "I'm well it's nice to see you." He said. "I will grab your bags Asha." He said to me and I nodded my head.

I kneeled down and hugged Rhodey tight and he hugged me back. "Stay strong for me Rhodey, don't let Tony push you too much, take it one day at a time and you will be good in no time." I said to him.

He smiled at me, "I love you kid." He said to me and I hugged him again not wanting to let go, "I love you too." I said getting a little emotional because I knew I wouldn't be seeing them for a very long time I had tears down my cheeks. And he whipped them away. "I'm going to miss you too." He said. And I smiled. And I stood up and T'challa was right beside me. And we walked to the door where Tony still stood.

And he looked at me, and I gave him a huge hug and he hugged me back, we stood like that for at least a minute, both having thoughts and words to say, but we already knew what we were going to say to each other so we just nodded.

"I love you." He said to me, and I hugged him tighter. "I love you too." I said to him with tear streaming down my face, he broke apart and looked at me, "You are the strongest woman I know, so show them that, you are so intelligent, because of course you've learned from the best, and you are a positive energy don't let anyone turn you negative. Be safe." He said to me hugging me one last time and whipping away my tears, and then we said our goodbyes. And T'challa and I walked out of the door.

We walked up to the jet and I waleked in Nakia and Okoye greeted me, but behind them I saw a man laying on a table. And I raised my eyebrow, because I realized who it was.

"T'challa are you serious?" I said to him.


I'm sorry for the lack of updates I've been busy and I have been on writers block, but please please don't forget to vote and comment your opinions and share etc. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I decided I'm not going to write about infinity war until they say that it's going digital so people could buy their own copies, just because I don't want to spoil it too bad, so I'm going to linger in the relationship with T'challa and Asha, and I'm going to start doing Killmongers POV. And I'm just going to linger in the Black Panther movie aspect of it until they release a date. ALSO don't forget to but the BLACK PANTHER disk on May 15th!!! Anyways I'm going to be doing more updates just do me a favor if you're reading please VOTE!!

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