Chapter 1: The Start of it All

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Chapter 1: The Start of it All

"Lizzie, get down here! We're going to be late!" Elizabeth hurried down the stairs, pulling her thin, baggy sweatshirt over her tank top. She didn't feel like getting all dressed up today, since it was Sunday and nearly all odds were against the possibility of a cute boy being at church. Plus, she honestly didn't care that much.

"Coming, Dani." Lizzie skipped the last step and landed hard in front of her best friend. With shoulder-length curly brown hair with blond highlights and hazel eyes, Dani was naturally beautiful. And of course, she always put on makeup and a stylish skater outfit, (She was hard to figure out. She was a skater like Lizzie, but WAY more girly. Like, she always looked cute, Lizzie always felt like she looked like crap) but Sundays were special for her. Today she was wearing a cute white sundress that ran down to her knees and had pink, blue and green flowers on it.

"You aren't seriously wearing that to church," Dani frowned, looking her best friend up and down, her gaze dripping disapproval.

"What?" Lizzie shrugged. "It's not like I'm going to a funeral. What I'm wearing is decent." The girl was wearing a gray hoodie and shorts with flip flops.

"No. Not okay. Go back up there." Dani waved for Lizzie to go up the stairs. Lizzie rolled her eyes and smiled before trotting up the stairs. Dani followed, grumbling about being late to church. Of course she was over exaggerating. They still had an hour and it was a 15 minute drive.

"Dani, you know I don't have anything to wear." Lizzie grumbled, plopping down on her bed and crossing her arms.

"Nonsense. Now let's see..." It wasn't long till Dani had picked out an outfit and was working on her best friend's appearance. In 45 minutes, she was done.

"I look like Barbie-gone-bad." Lizzie complained. She was wearing a plain white tank top with a thin black leather cropped jacket and boots that hugged her just above her ankles (with a slightly raised heel, of course.. She would have broken her neck with anything over two inches). Dani had taken the time to straighten Lizzie's blond layered hair and give it a little more volume, and also had practically tied the poor girl to a chair to get a little eyeliner and mascara on her.

"Shut up, you look hot." Dani grinned. "Now let's go! We have twenty minutes!" The two girls laughed as they ran down the stairs and hurried into Dani's Silver Honda Civic.

* * * * *

"I'm not going to church," Chase growled, crossing his arms. He refused to move from his comfortable spot on the couch. Of course, he had gotten ready for the day when he was asked, but if he was seen in church he didn't even want to know what that would to do his street cred.

"Chase Holmes, you will get in that car or so help me I will make you." Uncle Jake said, straining hard to keep his voice from raising.

"No." Uncle Dan grabbed Chase roughly by the hood of his sweatshirt under his tattered jean jacket and dragged him out to their Luxury Sedan.

"Get in, and don't make me tell you twice." Uncle Jake said, looking angry when he let go of the curly-haired boy. Chase shrugged away from his uncle and opened the back driver's side door, hesitantly getting in.

Uncle Jake got in with Aunt Susie in the passenger seat. She looked back at Chase and gave him an apologetic smile. Chase waved it away and gave her a small, barely noticeable smile in return. Then he looked out the window and watched the countryside fly by.

"Time to go in," Uncle Jake said, and got out without another word.

"There are a lot of kids your age here," Aunt Susie said encouragingly. "I'm sure you'll make friends in no time."

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