Chapter 9: The Choice

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(Omg, guise, 301 reads, that's like... *gets out calculator* about 37.625 reads per chapter! lol, thanks for all you readers out there! Please share, comment, vote and all that jazz! [chapter edited])

This chapter is dedicated to southernbell8 because she told me that I need to get a-postin'! thanks!)

Chapter 9: The Choice

Lizzie glared at her phone. Dani had been texting her non-stop when she found out Chase had kissed her. Lizzie brushed her lips with her fingers, feeling the ghost of his lips against hers. Her mind flashed to that moment, and she closed her eyes. Her chest throbbed for a moment as she remembered Chase running out of the fast food restaurant, so she shook herself from the thoughts.

She tossed her phone onto her bed and flopped back on the pillows. Her phone beeped again, and she ignored it. It was probably still Dani, and Lizzie didn't feel like texting any more.

She closed her eyes and just thought as she laid there. It wasn't the most romantic kiss, being as it was in McDonald's. However, it was her first kiss and the most romance she'd ever experienced.

What was Chase thinking? she thought, rolling onto her stomach and burying her face in the pillow. He took her first kiss, and she had wanted to wait until marriage. Not to say she didn't like it. That wasn't the issue in the least.

Maybe, just maybe God wanted Lizzie to be with Chase. If he didn't, it wouldn't feel so right... right? Lizzie sat up and gently tugged on her bangs as she was lost in her mind. She just barely heard her phone ring.

She snatched it up in irritation and glowered at the screen until she realized who was calling. She glanced at the time. It was nearly one in the morning! She groaned and clicked the answer button.

"What do you want, Chase?" Lizzie muttered, trying to be quiet.

"Hey, baby," Chase slurred through the phone. "D'you get my text, huh?"

"Are you drunk," she whispered, praying that he wasn't and that he was just being a goofball.

"Drunk? Wassat... Oh, no not drunk. I had a few drinks, but after a while somebody came and told me to stop, then somebody else gave me another drink," he laughed. "I swear they put something in that stuff. Hey, did ya get my text, huh?"

"Hang on a second," Lizzie's heart broke more and more with every slurred word he spoke. Why did he do this? Was it because of her? She opened her text messages and opened the newest one from Chase. It contained an address. She heard Chase say something more, but she didn't have the phone to her ear. "What's that?"

"The person who told me to quit drinkin' sent ya that," he slurred, yawning. "They told me to call ya."

Lizzie thought it strange that the stranger had chosen her, but it was probably because she was the last person Chase had texted. Lizzie pursed her lips, then grabbed her keys from the nightstand. "I'm coming to get you, Chase. Don't move okay?"

"Hey, sugar, don't hang up m'kay? Your voice is pretty." Lizzie would have smiled, but she knew that was the alcohol talking.

"I won't hang up," she promised in a whisper, sneaking down the stairs and out of the house, quietly shutting the door behind her. Since it was early and the town was small anyway, there was no traffic. Lizzie got there in five minutes.

She went up to the door and waited as she told Chase to come out. He protested, but soon the door opened and shut. He sure was a hot mess. He was slightly sweaty and the top four buttons of his shirt were undone. His eyes were blood shot and he was staggering. He grinned at Lizzie.

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