Tag The Writer Challenge

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Hey Cutie Pies (❛ ◡ ❛)🖤

This is Claudushka trying to crash X challenges!!

No, I'm kidding... I was actually "merely" rudely pushed over here to introduce this challenge to you awesome peeps😅

So let's leave the how's and why 's and focus on this challenge!!

This challenge is so important to me and means so much, because is where you can show some lowe to your favourite writer!!😍

That means you will tag that special author, someone who touched your life through a book, someone who made you smile or cry... someone amazing!

I believe that everyone is unique and full of potential to make a difference, writing is something so important because words have a tremendous impact on others...and today is the day to show how much "their" words are worth to us!

Below you will see different tags options, pick one and do an inline comment where you can tag the writer. You can leave them a message if you wish with your tag-☆^ _ ^

So the tags for this challenge are:

Tag that hidden writer that deserves to be out in the light

Tag that writer that made you hope and believe in yourself

Tag that writer that just gets your kind of craziness

Tag that writer that makes you smile

Tag that writer that needs to realise how good he/she is

Tag that writer that made you cry

And finally...

Tag that writer that changed your world

I hope you liked this challenge, don't forget to make someone smile...
thank you for joining us 😋

Someone saw something in you,
Something special...Something great...
Someone believes in you...
We do too❤️

Lots of lowee🖤

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