Chapter Sixteen- A Prom Story

Start from the beginning

"We created someone as bitchy as Tayla." Jade gasped.

I shook my head and walked over to Fletcher. I looked at him, and the pain in his eyes was dull, like someone threw him against the wall, and he couldn't move, couldn't think, could barely even feel. I knew the feeling.

He looked at me. "Why? Why? Why? Why?" He muttered, blinking fast, like he was blinking back tears.

I couldn't think of anything to do, so I hugged him. It wasn't flirtatious, it wasn't romantic. It wasn't even friendly, really. It was just holding him to let him know that he was going to be okay. I felt a teardrop on my shoulder, then another, and another.

He just wouldn't stop muttering why. Everyone was staring, and I couldn't let him do this to himself. I couldn't let him embarrass himself anymore. "Fletcher, I know that you are in pain, you probably don't care what people think right now, but in 4 months, or weeks, you just might. So pull yourself together for just a minute and let me get you out of here."

 He nodded and put his head up, pulling himself together momentarily.

I straightened my sleeveless cardigan and pulled Fletcher after me, my heeled boots clicking on the floor. I dragged him out into the parking lot, into my car. "Come on, we're going to get frozen yogurt."

"But we're not supposed to leave campus." Fletcher sighed, making circles on the window with his finger, tears still coming it.

"Oh my god.. Fletcher, you let yourself go. You're hurting right now, so I won't yell at you, but..... Just... get it together." I knew I sounded like a huge hypocrite, I hadn't exactly held it together well when we'd broken up.

He didn't respond, he was just looking blankly outside the window.

"Fletcher. Fletcher." I sighed, and drove quickly to the frozen yogurt place just three minutes from our school. After dragging him in, forcing to get strawberry and chocolate yogurt, paying for him, and making him sit in the loungey chairs.

"Eat." I instructed, face palming. I was thinking about what exactly I was telling him. What could I? I couldn't exactly say; 'Oh, and by the way, this all happened because Jade and I were bitter revengeful bitches who wanted to ruin your life. Aren't you so glad you have us?"

He robotically shoved it into his mouth. "The... The last 8 months of my life were a lie?" He mumbled, smacking his lips together.

 "Hey, that's exactly how I felt I about you." I muttered under my breath. He didn't hear me, thankfully. "Listen, Fletcher." I began allowed. "She broke your heart. You've never felt that kind of pain before. I get it. I really, really do. But you shouldn't let someone like her destroy your happiness. She broke your heart and couldn't even do it nicely. She told you something you thought was real was all a lie. She lied." I felt like a hypocrite, but at the same time, I had asked her to end it nicely and earlier, but she wouldn't. My voice broke as I continued. "She lied about everything. Someone you held so dear to your heart, someone who made you smile every day, laugh every hour, made you feel attractive, funny, worth something. And when you look on those feelings, you feel hurt, and betrayed, and lost, and meaningless. You feel lesser, like nothing matters, and certainly not you. But remember, Fletcher. You are Fletcher Pierce. Hottie, athlete, and you may have made a lot of mistakes, and you may feel like Rosalie is just another, but she changed you. She made you realize how important love was, how you needed to forgive and forget, and let go of those, all in the name of love. She taught you so much, that your relationship may be a painful memory, but it should never be regretted."

He looked up, his puppy-dog eyes coming out. He was adorable, even when he was sad.  "Do you really think I'm a better person, now?"

"I know you are. She changed, you Fletcher. For the better. She changed you in a way that no one else could."

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