Chapter 2

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chapter 2
welcome to hell

Ash's POV
I woke up to a aching head. looking up I reilised the hole we fell down was closed up leaving us trapped in the world. I looked around to see fires and death. Jess was sitting rubbing her head and Jack was lying on the ground motionless. Slowly I crawled upto Jess and hugged her, both of us scared as hell. We didn't know were we where all we knew is we had fallen off a mountain or something.

I looked across to see Jack still lying there. Seemingly staring up

"Jack come on get up" I stood up giving Jess a hand and looked back at the boy on the ground

"Jack" Jess' voice was filled with worry and concern

he sat up and his head turned to look at us. His eyes where spilling black goop with red stains on his clothes and blood matted hair.

he stood up and walked towards us "Jacks gone, I'm James your unfriendly neighbor hood demon nice to meetcha " he held out his hand and we stared at him.

His face lit up like he remembered something "oh and girls" the smirk on his face grew as he took a step closer "welcome to hell."

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