Story 4 Underworld

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requested by ___it_was_jess___

Ash's POV
I was so excited as today I was going camping with my best friends Jessica and Jack. We where going with our parents of course. No parents in their right mind would let three 12 year olds hike a mountain for 4 days by themselves.

It was a 3hr drive but we all had card games and phones and music to occupy us. Also as we where hiking the mountains the view on the way there was amazing.

I sat cross legged staring out. Me and Jess' brown hair was flying everywhere with the bumps so we had to put them in braids to stop them annoying us.

our green eyes locked and we laughed, this was gunna be a long ride

~~~time skip~~~

we had been at the campsite for around 1hr now and had set up the tents so we here aloud to explore. We had decided that we would start at the top and hike down. We all decided to go to the point of the mountain.

We looked down into the abyss at the top. The whole mountain opened up to show fire and waste land. I looked over to see Jack leaning at the edge looking in his floppy brown hair dangling on his face his blue eyes looking around.


I looked over the cliff standing at the edge. I felt an arm grab me back and looked to see my mum holding me

"Ash remember never stand near the edge you wouldn't want to fall ,would you?"

~~*flashback over*~~

I looked up to see Jack leaning thurther over the edge. Shit. He was gunna fall.

"Jack" I screamed at him in warning and he realised just as the ground under him crumbled. Luckily Jess being the oldest had realised something dumb would happen and was alert and managed to grab him. But as the ground crumbled she started falling to. I ran and grabbed her foot trying to pull us up. But soon we all tumbled into the abyss.

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