Chapter 3

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chapter 3
you don't mind if I eat one of you?

Ash's POV

We walked across the land James infront and me and Jess behind. We had been here for around a day now and me and Jess were tired and hungry.

I stared at James as he walked ahead. "what did you do with Jack?" He turned around and looked at me

"ummm... nothing? You see Princess everyone has a Demond even the poshest of princesses. And believe it or not, I'm Jacks. " He continued walking along before turning back "I'm bored. Let's spice this up a little."

we looked at him as his fangs grew. "I'm hungry. You don't mind if I eat one of you ?"

we ran as fast as we could the Demond right behind us. I turned to look to see Jess had fallen. He lent down to rip her apart before he was kicked off into the air. In Jessica's place was a beautiful demond. It's hair went past her hips and she had two wings on her back. "James just because i was human dosent give you an excuse to eat me. Especially if you know I'm stronger than you" She towered above him her wings beating. James looked like a young child being told off by his mother

"yes nightmare "

wait NIGHTMARE! ok Jack to James was ok but Jess to nightmare?

They both turned at me. "Well to be honest bruckella (bru-kell-a) never really was our friend." They started advancing towards me.

I woke up screaming

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