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I remember it as if it had just happened yesterday. Just another ordinary day at my ordinary workplace...and of course like always I was late.

Just like every other day. I was late. But although I knew each time I was the fault to this bad habit, I could never once come to admitting it.

My friend had been up for hours trying to get me to wake up, but I simply just refused. I know for a fact that I may do some unreasonable things that don't make any sense when I'm half asleep. But no matter how hard I tried to change I couldn't. No matter how many times I tried I still ended up in the same place - my boss' office, a frustrated looking man with his eyebrows furrowed so deeply it caused creases on his forehead as well as making him look as if he had a mono-brow.

Honestly, I felt bad for him. Having to go through the same old problem each day, and having to come up with a different lecture each day knowing that it won't solve anything. But if I can tell you anything about my boss it is certainly the fact that he doesn't give up easily. He's a hard-working, determined, confident, fearless leader. And though he knew everytime I gave him my lame excuses none of them were ever true. He would let me off. I think he said it was my 127,845,931,001th warning today. I dunno- something like that.

I hated the fact that I was too confident and knew he could never fire me because I was the best employee that he ever had. But I did work really hard to earn that title.

Anyways, hey, I'm Tiana Stones age 19. I'm a reporter in Los Angeles. I may not come from the richest background but both of my parents had pretty decent jobs before retiring. My father, John Stones, was a lawyer and originated from America. Whereas, my mother, Rebecca Stones, originated from Africa- Nigeria to be specific. Meaning I am mixed.

Honestly, I love myself including my skin colour. But I don't see what's so special about it. Wherever I go I only get complimented for my skin colour, which is a little weird since there are much more prettier things I have than my skin colour.

And, yes I am a very attractive girl. But there are the disadvantages. You wouldn't believe how many times I've caught someone stalking me. As well as the fact I hardly have any friends due to jealousy or there partner hitting on me.

But there are some true friends I have: Jessica, Vernon, Lisa & Joshua. They mean the world to me. They were the only ones who supported me when I had no one, and I did the same to them. They were all equally attractive and went through similar things as me. I met them when I was 17 in highschool near graduation time.

Though I'm now in college I managed to get a really good job. I didn't really focus on looks from childhood, and even now as a teenager. I was trained well from young and was never alowwed to go out with my friends or out clubbing. Which you may think is harsh, but I kinda liked it that way.

It was for the best anyway. Just look at me now, my good education and intelligence got me qualified to be a reporter in one of the hugest companies in America.

I thought I was happier than ever. That it was impossible to be happier. I thought my life was perfect, I couldn't have asked for anything better...

...until I met you...


I hope you all enjoyed this prologue. Sorry for making it super short.

I have a HUGE question? Should this be a K-pop related ff or not? I really don't know.😂😂😂 (comment PLZZZZZZZ)

Anyways.., make sure to vote, read and vote on my other stories, & follow me. Bye❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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